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Wednesday, December 22nd 2010, 9:38pm

Author: ---LavaBoy---

Auction time description bug?

I have been bidding a few items and waiting way too long according to the time descriptions - in all 3 cases (different items and owners), the time description was "Few", and I've been waiting hours and hours for the outcome. When I asked one of the owners, said he set it for 24hs, not for 2hs. 1 bid has jsut gone over when I write this, it was Exe Pauldrons with no max price, next is Leather Cuisses (max 1s) and Strong Elixir of Life 30pcs, again with no max price. Hope this will help to track ...

Friday, November 19th 2010, 1:09am

Author: ---LavaBoy---


Hi, we just started CC and while I was in the CC, during the fight, the client froze. I tried to refresh and nothing worked. I tried to close it and open to login again - it showed me b/w screen (like I died) but nothing worked, including my mouse. The client apparently stalled and froze my computer/system. I had to restart and by the time I did that and logged to the game again, found myself outside the CC... Couldn't finish the quest... While I type this, my friends are still in the CC I was s...