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Saturday, March 24th 2012, 7:34pm

Author: Cormac

why mining is failing so much?

What do you mean don't get upset? I am not upset, only the game is not fun when you fail ad fail and fail... over and over. I could understand if it was 30 level resources but 0 level resources when my skill is 59 makes no sense to fail so much.

Saturday, March 24th 2012, 2:39pm

Author: Cormac

why mining is failing so much?

What is up with this, you must be making it harder to collect resources, and forcing people to pay.... you will loose this battle. When I am mining 0 resources, and fail 4+ times in a row there is something very wrong with your random number generator.

Thursday, March 15th 2012, 3:34am

Author: Cormac

fix this please

Why does the game allow a fight to start if a combatant has moved to another screen? This has happened many times to me, then I am stuck in fight for minutes or more and there is nothing I can do, other than quiting the game. This is a major flaw that needs to be fixed.....

Monday, February 13th 2012, 4:06am

Author: Cormac

rediculous splinter

Really, two plinters in less than 30m of game time, this sucks! 13.02 02:23 and at 13.02 02:50. Only 6 stones were mined between these two events. Between the terrible success rates of mining and the splinters. Your randomizer either sucks or it's not random! you going to explain?