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Wednesday, September 4th 2019, 12:06am

Author: Sag76

Wedding Application Form - Humans

Quoted from "JohnGR" Quoted from "Kara Stanton" I Agree Quoted from "Mecnun Çinar" Quoted from "Mecnun Çinar" Marriage of Mecnun Çinar and Kara Stanton 1. Link to the groom: 4. No preference on consecrator Quoted from "Mecnun Çinar" Marriage of Mecnun Çinar and Kara Stanton 1. Link to the groom: Marriage of Mecnun Çinar and Kara Stanton 1. Link to the groom:Çinar 2. Link to the bride: [url]

Sunday, August 25th 2019, 6:43pm

Author: Sag76

Wedding Application Form - Humans

Quoted from "JohnGR" Quoted from "cobra 26" Quoted from "yepa" Wedding Application 1. Link to the bridegroom: Wedding Application 1. Link to the bridegroom: 26 2. Link to the Bride: [url] 3. Date: Sunday 25th 2019 Time: 15:00 Server time 4. No preference on consecrator[/url]i agree Marriage can be granted 15:10 As of 25.08.2019, cobra 26 [14] and yepa [13] are officially married in accordance with th...

Sunday, August 18th 2019, 6:17pm

Author: Sag76

Wedding Application Form - Humans

Quoted from "KutluBay" Quoted from "Rie" Quoted from "BLANKAZ" Wedding Application 1. Link to the bridegroom: 2. Link to the Bride: 3. Date: 18th August 2019 Time: 18:00 Server time 4. Link to the chosen consecrator : And yes....I AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY TO MY LOVE I AGREE Marriage can be granted ! 18:11 As of 18.08.2019, BLANKAZ [9] and Rie [6] are offi...

Monday, August 5th 2019, 12:10am

Author: Sag76

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - Anniversary Draw

12-26-28-36-42-45 8-11-22-27-37-40 6-16-29-30-41-43 4-18-23-35-38-47

Friday, June 28th 2019, 6:05pm

Author: Sag76

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - July Draw

5 - 13 - 41 - 45 9 - 12 - 28 - 33 10 - 18 - 21 - 35 16 - 25 - 37 - 47

Thursday, June 27th 2019, 12:07am

Author: Sag76

Divorce procedure - Humans

Quoted from "KutluBay" Quoted from "PartTimeNoob" Quoted from "Infernos"…2ecae8d850937f8 been absent from the game just come back and just want to get free! agree Divorce can be granted ! done

Sunday, June 2nd 2019, 2:49pm

Author: Sag76

Divorce procedure - Humans

Quoted from "KutluBay" Quoted from "Fubar666"…6f02370a3dee032 we dont see each other much and times dont work out sadly i agree Divorce can be granted ! done

Sunday, June 2nd 2019, 2:45pm

Author: Sag76

Divorce procedure - Humans

Quoted from "KutluBay" Quoted from "--Lady O Lakes--" Player Names : --Lady O Lakes-- -…y%20O%20Lakes- Noble: - We mutually request a Divorce. We never traded anything I can recall. He doesn't play anymore and I would like to marry my RL Partner here. Thank you in advance. I don't know how to forward the 5 gold - so perhaps someone can advise, please. Thanx Divorce can be granted ! done

Thursday, May 23rd 2019, 1:41pm

Author: Sag76

Wedding Application Form - Humans

Quoted from "KutluBay" Quoted from "Belserion" Quoted from "Okikom" Link to the bridegroom: Link to the bride: Chosen date: 23.05.2019, 01.00 PM server time Chosen consecrator: Sag76 i agree Marriage can be granted ! 3:38 As of 23.05.2019, Okikom [6] and Belserion [4] are officially married in accordance with the laws of Faean marriage.

Sunday, March 31st 2019, 10:10pm

Author: Sag76

Divorce procedure - Humans

Quoted from "-__Shadow__-" I want to divorce because this person is absent from the game Divorce can be granted done

Thursday, March 28th 2019, 7:43pm

Author: Sag76

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - April Draw

5 - 32 - 15 - 47 9 - 10 - 45 - 26 3 - 19 - 37 - 44 22 - 31 - 18 - 40

Tuesday, March 5th 2019, 10:21pm

Author: Sag76

Wedding Application Form - Humans

Quoted from "KutluBay" Quoted from "_suki_" Quoted from "Sabnock" 1. Link to the bridegroom: 2. Link to the bride: 3. Preferred time and date of marriage: the 26 febrerary 2019 21h-23h server time 4. Link to the Consencrator: I agree 1. Link to the bridegroom: 2. Link to the bride: http://waro...

Sunday, March 3rd 2019, 8:52pm

Author: Sag76

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - March Draw

15 - 23- 35- 41 8 - 20- 28 - 39 4 - 7 - 36- 48 10 - 27 - 30 - 33

Saturday, February 16th 2019, 4:32pm

Author: Sag76


Quoted from "Syrinx-" bonjour j'ai besoin d'aide svp :p j'ai ma médaille BOV (vertu) et je voudrais commencer la réputation BOE (semeur de mal) mais sans perdre mes points BOV et mon métier secondaire d'healer :s c'est possible ? je vois une quête "evil for hire" chez Norak, est ce par là qu'il faut commencer ? merci pour les réponses salut oui il faut que tu prennes "evil for hire" et que tu suives les instructions de la quête. Par contre pour healer, il te faudra le mettre de côté le temps de...

Friday, February 15th 2019, 9:26pm

Author: Sag76

Wedding Application Form - Humans

Quoted from "KutluBay" Quoted from "DemonAngels" Quoted from "SameenShaw" 1. Link to the bridegroom : [b]1. Link to the bridegroom : 2. Link to the bride : 3. Preferred time and date for marriage : 21th January, 21:00 Server time I agree Marriage can be granted ! 00:06 As of 29.01.2019, DemonAngels [12] and SameenShaw [2] are officially married in accordance with the laws of Faean marria...

Friday, February 15th 2019, 8:39pm

Author: Sag76

Wedding Application Form - Humans

Quoted from "KutluBay" Quoted from "_Dadash_" 1. Link to the bridegroom : 2. Link to the bride : 3. Preferred time and date for marriage : 14th February, 22:00 Server time Marriage can be granted ! 20:38 As of 15.02.2019, KARACA [3] and _Dadash_ [9] are officially married in accordance with the laws of Faean marriage.

Wednesday, January 30th 2019, 11:51am

Author: Sag76

Wedding Application Form - Humans

Quoted from "_Dadash_" 1. Link to the bridegroom : 2. Link to the bride : 3. Preferred time and date for marriage : 30th January, 22:00 Server time Hello, please read or read again wedding rules : you should apply at least 1 week before the date you want. Guards need time to check your accounts and ask the conserator as well before to be sure he will be able for this date and hour. Thanks Weddi...

Saturday, January 26th 2019, 4:30pm

Author: Sag76

RE: RE: i agree )))

Quoted from "KutluBay" Quoted from "___ANGEL___" Quoted from "-=CAPITAN=-" 1 . Link to the bridegroom: 2. Link to the bride: 3. Preferred time and date of marriage: 26 January 2019 between 18:00 to 22:00 game time 4. Link to the chosen consecrator:…840d335efe96414 I agree I agree Marriage can be granted ! 6:18 As of 26.01.2019, -=CAPITAN=- [16] a...

Thursday, January 17th 2019, 5:11pm

Author: Sag76

Divorce procedure - Humans

Quoted from "KutluBay" Quoted from "Ayla-Saxlund" Quoted from "LEVİACKERMAN" 1. Your nickname: LEVİACKERMAN 2. Nickname of your husband/wife: Ayla-Saxlund 3. Reason for divorce: we don't want anymore 1. Your nickname: Ayla-Saxlund 2. Nickname of your husband/wife: Leviackerman 3. Reason for Divorce: We both decided to Divorce. No issues. Divorce can be granted ! done

Monday, December 31st 2018, 1:13pm

Author: Sag76

Our mascot for 2019 - A boar

hello here my pic Happy new year to all