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Wednesday, August 14th 2019, 8:24pm

Author: armand69


Bonjour vous ne savez pas si le jeu n'a toujours pas l'intention de traduire le jeu en français ?

Monday, July 30th 2018, 9:15pm

Author: armand69

Translate game in different language

Wednesday, July 25th 2018, 3:07pm Game language translate Hello, I want to suggest to the game to introduce other language translation of the game (French, German, Italian) to attract more player in the same server because many players have quit the game because of his.

Wednesday, July 25th 2018, 3:07pm

Author: armand69

Game language translate

Hello, I want to suggest to the game to introduce other language translation of the game (French, German, Italian) to attract more player in the same server because many players have quit the game because of his. </button> [list][/list]