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Thursday, September 27th 2018, 9:43pm

Author: Shion_867

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October Draw

1-3-7-10 12-13-17-19 24-27-29-31 35-38-46-49

Wednesday, August 22nd 2018, 11:13pm

Author: Shion_867


haklısın da keşke sert konusmasaydın biraz kötü hissettim

Wednesday, August 22nd 2018, 3:43am

Author: Shion_867


The secret of the Stone of RevelationsHaving found all six fragments of the Stone of Revelations, the task of deciphering the message, engraved on it by its powerful keeper, has arisen. Elder Verkiry entrusts you with this difficult task. Passed:Take a Dzungo Cube to the Great Lizard in the Barrow of Death. According to the Great Lizard, some little Magmar clown from Village Angriyar owns the cube. Current goal:Go to Brugilda the Sorceress in the Village of Maettro and ask her for some Laughter ...

Monday, August 20th 2018, 2:51pm

Author: Shion_867


Quoted from "-Cahal-" Quoted from "Shion_867" 3 seviye de Counter-Intelligence yani Casuslukla Mücadele görevini kim veriyor hatırlayan var mı? Bildiğim kadarıyla o görev otomatik olarak geliyor. Yanılmıyorsam da şu meydandaki kağıtları toplarken bir adet casus notu geliyor, o geldiği an başlıyor. Peki teşekkür ederim

Monday, August 20th 2018, 8:42am

Author: Shion_867


3 seviye de Counter-Intelligence yani Casuslukla Mücadele görevini kim veriyor hatırlayan var mı?