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Wednesday, August 1st 2018, 7:41pm

football redward

when received worldcup football ? :woot: ????????

france champion of the world :yes: :beer:


Wednesday, August 1st 2018, 9:01pm


the rewards will be distributed soon. They haven't been forgotten. The football event is a huge event with a high number of participants and therefore a high amount of rewards to distribute. This all take a lot of time and need to be scheduled into the normal daily tasks of our admins.

Thank your for your understanding and patience.

 Lisad [20] 

EX Community Manager

Posts: 423

Location: A galaxy far, far away

Occupation: Magic tricks

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Thursday, August 2nd 2018, 3:57pm

All rewards have been destributed. The items names were in Russian in the chat message, my mistake, sorry for that.
Lisad | Community Manager


Thursday, August 2nd 2018, 7:26pm

All rewards have been destributed. The items names were in Russian in the chat message, my mistake, sorry for that.

thanks :)


Thursday, August 2nd 2018, 8:01pm

Thank you :jump:

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