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Friday, January 17th 2020, 6:00am

Banking Horseshoes

Seeing as one of the best prizes you can get from chests are the rare mounts, and you need to use 4 + 6 golden horseshoes in order to upgrade the mount fully to lvl 16... can it be made possible to bank horseshoes so they don't get wasted on useless prizes?

Over the last few months i spent well over 1500g opening chests to accumulate 5 golden horseshoes (trying to get 6 to upgrade scorpolion fully), and i lost them all winning 10 shoemaker tokens that are barely worth 10g/ea nowadays. Seriously. All i want is to upgrade my mount. This is the second time it's happened to me where i've almost collected enough and then lost them to a useless prize. I understand it's a gamble and all luck based but seriously.... if i could just throw them in the bank so i could actually upgrade my mount that would be great.
"The Face is the Mirror or the Mind, and Eyes Without Speaking Confesss the Secrets of the Heart" - St. Jerome (347-420 A.D)


Friday, January 17th 2020, 6:18am

5:41 AM In one of the trunks purchased at the City Fair, DatorM found a Shoemaker Token.

Seeing as one of the best prizes you can get from chests are the rare mounts, and you need to use 4 + 6 golden horseshoes in order to upgrade the mount fully to lvl 16... can it be made possible to bank horseshoes so they don't get wasted on useless prizes?

Over the last few months i spent well over 1500g opening chests to accumulate 5 golden horseshoes (trying to get 6 to upgrade scorpolion fully), and i lost them all winning 10 shoemaker tokens that are barely worth 10g/ea nowadays. Seriously. All i want is to upgrade my mount. This is the second time it's happened to me where i've almost collected enough and then lost them to a useless prize. I understand it's a gamble and all luck based but seriously.... if i could just throw them in the bank so i could actually upgrade my mount that would be great.
"The Face is the Mirror or the Mind, and Eyes Without Speaking Confesss the Secrets of the Heart" - St. Jerome (347-420 A.D)


Friday, January 17th 2020, 7:50am

You shall try buy weapons certificate from other player. One certificate (purples ones and any lvls) is tradable for 3 golden horseshoe in the echante tent. That could be cheaper then spent 1500g


Friday, January 17th 2020, 7:52am

Exchange tent* Sorry for double post, i can't edit my own precedent post xD

Posts: 897

Location: Pennsylvania

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Friday, January 17th 2020, 7:08pm

ofcourse admins will change something that only 1 person does not like :lol:
I don't have no fear of death. My only fear is coming back reincarnated.