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Tuesday, November 30th 2010, 7:27am

Unable to connect to client...

Hi my laptop died today... I share a modem with Lake-Witch, so I asked permission to use her computer. I signed on and all seemed well, then there were black bars on all areas.. and mostly a black screen, I could take no actions. I signed out, got in thru IE and completed my orders for proffession. Periodically throughout the day, I tried to connect to client, and cannot connect at all. Tried maybe 15 times total since noon, CST in US - nearly 12 hours later still no luck.
Can anyone help, please?


Tuesday, November 30th 2010, 8:18pm

We are still unable to connect with Client.. help.. and Thank You


Wednesday, December 1st 2010, 6:45am

Hey folks, problem soved it seems... re-loaded client after removal,, I seem go to go ... thanx