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Thursday, March 10th 2011, 8:22pm

The loss of quest item

So... I visited Plateau of Silence several times during the day - hope to renew gungle's talons needful for the quest. And havn't see monsters under hunting mode, so…ct_id=104467764 - 5 talons I got earlier disappeared. What should I do now? Begin from the very beginning?
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others (с)


Thursday, March 10th 2011, 8:43pm

btw.. we all can see that all changes come to this server from .ru So - just few days ago all players of first .ru server or simply "prime" got the presents from game administration. As the apologies for laggs.. Nothing serious - some potions, rage flower, bit all can see that admins are responsible for THEIR problems. May be it's a good choice - to adopt not only the quests, bit responsibility too?
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others (с)


Friday, March 11th 2011, 10:19am

Please check agian for the gungls, they are back now.

We are regulalry checking our servers. There are currently no problems. If you experience problems these might be dure to connectivity problems n your side or somewhere in the data transfer of the internet.


Saturday, March 12th 2011, 1:48am

2 cross knight: sounds very plausible - as always our admins says LOL But I know from the guardian that I'm not alone who was comlaining to this problem YESTERDAY. And so - it's absolutely indifferent for me that you - wow, at last! - eliminated that lagg now - cause I lost my quest items. And it happpened not by my fault, but after the problems in the game. So I'm waiting for results, but not for words. From another side your words are also the result.
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others (с)