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Sunday, May 29th 2011, 4:40pm

Change race

Dear Administrators,

Would you provide me information how can I change my race character in magmar.
I will keep levals, skills and my items? What is the price for this service?

Thank you in advance

Jack Sparrow


Sunday, May 29th 2011, 5:12pm

Do not forget to move me, too


Sunday, May 29th 2011, 6:40pm

whats next, change server to dwar?


Sunday, May 29th 2011, 6:54pm

Quoted from "-Wild Shadow-;90243"

whats next, change server to dwar?

No, next in the line is to make a Asian server...
Everythin is bloody boring ~~~~:bee:


Monday, May 30th 2011, 1:38am

Quoted from "Jack Sparrow;90222"

Dear Administrators,

Would you provide me information how can I change my race character in magmar.
I will keep levals, skills and my items? What is the price for this service?

Thank you in advance

Jack Sparrow

well first you have to start over as a lvl 1 so you would be no more mage good luck


Monday, May 30th 2011, 2:42am…at&id=50#Reroll

dont think u keep level. items or skills. only thing you get is upto 500g depending on current gold and last 6 months of paypal
:glance: I Was Taught That If You're Gonna Murder Somebody You Should Face 'Em, Tell 'Em Why, Look 'Em Dead In The Eye Then Waste 'Em :sarcastic:


Monday, May 30th 2011, 11:15am

This is not a service we offer.

May I remind all of you that in this section of the forum Admins answer the questions. Please don't comment the questions your fellow players have as you might end up with a forum infraction.