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Friday, March 9th 2012, 8:03pm

Special Spring Offers

For the riding skill Advanced you pay instead of 135 only 121 50
For the riding skill Professional you pay instead of 85 only 76 50
For the riding skill Expert you pay instead of 115 only 103 50
For the riding skill Masteryou pay instead of 135 only 121 50

Master skill is 165g, minus 10% comes out to 148.5g.

Please check your own game before putting false news item to trick players.

Response is appretiated. But until you are back from the weekend, the duration of the offer is over anyway.


Friday, March 9th 2012, 8:20pm

here are the prices for riding skill according to the mentor site:
Skill level | Price
Level 1 | 45g
Level 2 | 135g
Level 3 | 85g
Level 4 | 115g
Level 5 | 135g
Level 6 | 165g

If the post is merely talking about the prices for riding skills of 2,3,4, and 5, then the prices in the news would accurately reflect a 10% discount.


Friday, March 9th 2012, 8:38pm

Thanks for clarification. The quest screen does not indicate the "type" of skill you are getting, just the amount required for it.

Posts: 244

Location: At home

Occupation: Shuffle people

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Friday, March 9th 2012, 8:44pm

I just checked with Arnica and this is what she says about my next riding skill level.


Learn to ride - Expert
ALL_Ridingskill_Здравствуйте, славный воин! Знала, что пожелаете Вы пойти дальше. Что же, я готова раскрыть Вам некоторые секреты верховой езды. Эти умения сразу выделят Вас из массы остальных всадников! Само собой, сделаю я это не бесплатно, цена вопроса – 103 50. Содержание и дрессировка питомцев обходится недешево. Пройдя моё обучение, вы сможете управлять Грумволом [10] , Эндаргом [10] , Шанкарой [10] , Изумрудным Джахаралом [10] и Безумным Джахаралом [10] или освоить навыки управления более сложными животными. Ну, так как, вы готовы?

I understand it is Expert skill and the amount corrsponds with what says in the news for Expert skill but as for the rest of the message.. :neznau:

Maybe should have made sur it was on English to before having it implented on the .com server. After all, you always correcting players if they happen to say a few words in another laungage but always seem to be missing to correcting your own updates from dwar.
