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Friday, June 13th 2014, 11:17pm

DE Stun?

Hey, not sure how this works. But I was in arena against some DE players and got into a fight with and somehow she was able to stun me (for like 1 second, so she got an extra hit) without having any stun rings, amulets or the mace or blesses on. It wasn't sure superblow hits either. I checked all the stuff she had on and no idea how she was able to stun me.

I got stunned every 3-6 hits by her so was at quite a disadvantage. Is this a bug or maybe a part of the game I haven't figured out yet? If so, can someone teach me how to stun without any stun armour/rings/amulets/buffs? :lol:


Saturday, June 14th 2014, 1:36am

what buffs did the player have on? what armor? i know you said no stun rings or ammys, but there is a whole list of possible ways you can stun, including blessings, card buffs ect..rock card pack also can give chance to stun for 1 move.…stun#post151065

Most likely it was a combination of armor, buffs, and runes such as bezels that gave the lucky shot. Its quite common :)


Saturday, June 14th 2014, 2:19am

Buffs were kmarsha, green wind, warlord, and rainy. Armour was just blue/purple NW or jaguar. I know what armour and buffs give stun chance, she didn't have any of that on.


Saturday, June 14th 2014, 2:22am

Are there stun bezels? Maybe that could be it. I didn't know that those existed though.


Saturday, June 14th 2014, 3:55am

no not stun bezels, durability bezels, however it's been said in previous threads (and there are many) that the bezels seem to also increase a players chance of a 3 second stun. I've both done, and witnessed stunning an opponant for enough time for 1 extra hit with no effects on. So in short, its possible for a player to get a 3 second stun when not on combo or under any buff.


Saturday, June 14th 2014, 5:34am

Thanks for the info! I had no idea about the bezels! Now I know where some money is going haha :grin: