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  • "CrimmCreeper" started this thread

Posts: 647

Location: Oregon

Occupation: Head security

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Saturday, January 23rd 2016, 6:41am

Cc Rage

killing me holmes
I snap shot all my postings, dont remove my comments and claim them to be off topic.any...threads/posts containing name-calling will be closed/deleted.

  • "CrimmCreeper" started this thread

Posts: 647

Location: Oregon

Occupation: Head security

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Saturday, January 23rd 2016, 7:21am


CrimmCreeper has attached the following file:
  • 0014.jpg (113.4 kB - 149 times downloaded - latest: Dec 18th 2023, 1:11pm)
I snap shot all my postings, dont remove my comments and claim them to be off topic.any...threads/posts containing name-calling will be closed/deleted.


Saturday, January 23rd 2016, 7:28pm

What does Great Spell Anthology do for a level 3? It looks like it enhances mage attributes.


Saturday, January 23rd 2016, 8:06pm

What does Great Spell Anthology do for a level 3? It looks like it enhances mage attributes.

It makes your buff list bigger so the enemy team is just that little bit more intimidated.

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