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Sunday, November 20th 2016, 10:09pm

Changes in game mechanics / Immortal victories

First time I open a thread..Im excited =)

After realizing ancient plateau is a location where items will break again since a little bit more than a week or something, I started pondering what other changes were made without informing players about it.

After going to CC I did some investigating about the Immortal Victory feat, as the points I earned were not counted to my total points.
I was told that the conditions for getting the points were:
- CC needs to be won
- if you die in a fight , points earned before death will only be counted if every player died at least once by the end of the instance

I droped 31 points before dying, which also show in my attribute section under
"points earned in last caves"; everybody died in this CC; magmar team won.
So despite meeting all conditions mentioned above, these points were not counted to my total points.
Should I have been awarded points I droped before dying for my total count or not?…673558&finish=1

I´m sure I´m not the only one who would like some clearance on this matter.
Are points only awarded if you don´t die at all in the CC?
If not so, what are the necessary conditions for getting earned points in last caves added to the total amount earned?
Did the conditions for this feat change recently?

And last but not least:
What other changes have been made in game mechanics with the comeback of demonologue and switching ancient plateau back to an armor break location????

Some info would be most appreciated mr lososerg =)


Monday, November 21st 2016, 12:08am

Are points only awarded if you don´t die at all in the CC?



Monday, November 21st 2016, 12:52am

Are points only awarded if you don´t die at all in the CC?

I know for a fact people earned points from caves in which they died. So it´s not as simple as this... or didnt used to be at least.


Sunday, December 4th 2016, 10:57pm

Well...resonance to this thread a lot smaller than I hoped .well:
Anyhow...I noticed that one of the things that changed is, that you dont need to use the scroll of attack of anceint hero feat "hunt for medals" in order to get the award if you kill the owner of the medal fitting the scroll you carry at this moment. Not sure if you need to be initiator of the figth. I started the one I noticed with normal attack button.
I like this change =)
If someone finds out more...I still would appreciate any new input regarding changes that took place recently, with the "server maintenance".