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Tuesday, May 23rd 2017, 11:47am

Help with reputation swap between eldive and kroffdor

I am trying to swap reputation between Eldive to Kroffdor

But on both kroffdor NPC i am getting "Appeal To kroffdor" quest which is the old one which needs 150 centrido
And not able to get the new quest " transfiguration magic"

Any help or a proper guide will be welcomed

Thank you :)

 -MED- [20] 


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Tuesday, May 23rd 2017, 3:12pm

Finish all quests from this item and it should be available for you to take transfiguration quest.


Tuesday, May 23rd 2017, 9:17pm

You will have to do the quest to turn over 150 centrido to swap reps. After you swap reps, you go to the guy who you get the quest that gives you an aureole, not the one who gives the procurement bless. He/she will have the transfiguration quest for you.
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Tuesday, May 23rd 2017, 10:14pm

Thnkz for the replies

got it sorted