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Tuesday, July 4th 2017, 7:27pm

sugestions for new battlefield

why cant the new battlefield be done in groups this total random is a real pain as you get no communication


Tuesday, July 4th 2017, 7:32pm




Thursday, July 6th 2017, 2:46pm

I disagree.
I feel like its better to be lucky than to have coordinated battlefields.
its advantageous to those without friends or lack english communication skills or those who are new.
Id also rather be able to queue up any time rather than depend on a group to get in "otherwise" be faced with another group.

Just queue up at the same time as some friends and get lucky.


Thursday, July 6th 2017, 6:27pm

having fully organised groups will just detter people from going like it has with other battlefields queue at same time and good chance you will end up in the same one anyway

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