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Saturday, August 5th 2017, 11:57pm

game goes boring.

game goes boring things are the same, can you please stop using the same 2008 events diamonds and all reference with diamonds events. in this server are playing less than 500 players daily thats so sad, please changing admins will not change anything in the game and outside the game, so please do what players want, and stop want to get the max quantity of $$$$ to close the game, we can rename this game as w$$$r of dr$$$$gons. :woody: :clap: ...


Sunday, August 6th 2017, 12:28am

will never go away, they make over 40,000$ per diamond event
many people LOVE the diamond event, huge paypallers or not with diamond certs out, paypallers and non paypallers are benefited.

just saying, enjoy the game buy getting all your friends and clanmatesmate to lvl 7 and that way you wont have to wait for enemy to que, you can que whenever you all plan a game :beer:


Sunday, August 6th 2017, 12:34am

I remember events from old times, new opened areas just for the event, unique monsters just for the event, legit challenging events with legit rewards, those were the events that made you go "oh shiet, I have to clear this weekend schedule, can't miss this", those were the events that made you hooked on the game, made you think "now what will they do, I'm exited", now... it's just the same every month, dia events, luck glow, fair, non-break double valour, repeat.

Sure you can argue, "level up for a change of pace" but then what? eat, sleep, repeat again? then what? level up again? let's be honest, the fun we have nowadays is not better than a collectors card game, we gain money, upgrade stuff to get more money, to get more money, to get more stuff. What I think this game needs is a legit fun event, a challenge not just in strength, not to see who collected the better cards, nor whose daddy has the biggest credit card, but something FUN.


Sunday, August 6th 2017, 1:09am

The base game as been really boring since it started. When you think about it what do we do in this game?
1-Pick stuff, 1 click every 30-45 secs, for a whole day
2-Hunt monsters, 4-5 clicks to kill 120-150 monsters in a non-stop hour.
3-Once a month, go do instance, when there's non-break cause its only people go. (11+ gets the fun part of game and do more PvP)
4-Argue over forum over who is the worst person/clan

This game is bad. BUT we're still here after all these years, only because we made friends, as its a great game to talk with people from all over the world, easily and quickly.
Even if every month or so we'd get an awesome event, it wouldnt change the fact that this game is bad, except for the social part


Sunday, August 6th 2017, 1:30am

@thewarrior very true,

also at shiro, i dont even do seasonal events sure they may be different and fun according to others who would rather do events than other things, but i feel focusing on event rewards is far less valuable than hunting/picking for other needs.

of course i dont know about the unique events or what they had to offer, but hey clanwars is fun, though i never took part in one and rewards are nice i hear, but hey like warrior and you say, its repetition.

there is no extra effort or highly invovled admins, this game has been around so long, this isnt even a safe environment for NEW people xD they rather make more games and get fresh customer base, focus their money and attention their,.. ever think these diamond events might be the only thing funding their other games xD

all we can do is enjoy the game for what it is and with who we play with, and we all have our decisions, i purely play for my clan only.. wasnt for that, id completely agree with the statement made, if i was still around xD