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Tuesday, June 12th 2018, 12:58pm

MO armor can't be styled???

Like... wtf? I dont know if I'm missing something here, but it's purple and it doesn't say anything in description. I purposely bought 1 to be styled, doesnt appear in the options to be styled. Kill me please :zol:


Tuesday, June 12th 2018, 1:49pm

It was always non-stylable, however you can buy timed umo style on trade journey...
On RU they made auction with special lots with stylized uyar mo armour tho without lifespan


Tuesday, June 12th 2018, 1:51pm

Guess it's me being my usual noob self :bee: Didnt know they cant be styled. Wanted to use it for the Sheara Challenge, and RIP $$$ for getting it :lol:


Tuesday, June 12th 2018, 2:06pm

it'd be too easy :lol: just don't try destroying it coz with 3/3 dura I don't think you will get any crystal :lol::lol:
Or try and let me know if you will get one :lol: