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 Lisad [20] 

EX Community Manager

  • "Lisad" started this thread

Posts: 423

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Thursday, December 13th 2018, 12:56pm

Santa and Snow Maiden conditions

In order to participate in the Santa and Snow Maiden elections you will need to comply with the following terms and conditions:

1. It is forbidden to beg other players for gifts.
2. It is forbidden to pay other players and to bribe them for sending gifts in any way.
3. It is forbidden to spam other players in private messages/mails/gifts agitating them to vote for your candidature.
4. You are allowed to to create personal threads on the forum, where you can tell about your candidature and explain why players should vote for you, share information about your public achievements in the game, hold contests and inform players about some events you might be holding.
4. Participants have the right to distribute information about their threads in the game, but not more often than once per hour.
5. During the first stage you can gift both muffs and boots to both potential Snow Maidens and Santas, we will count both.
6. During the second stage it is prohibited to agitate for your candidature in any way and/or ask players to vote for you. You can, however, agitate players to visit the votation thread in general and to give someone their vote if they want to.
Lisad | Community Manager

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Aixlinn" (Dec 24th 2019, 6:42pm)

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