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Sunday, December 30th 2018, 3:18am

misinformation and bug

The stats shown in the image is base stat, as in no equipments were kept on. thus, base amount of life = 109, base vitality =12, item vitality = 20 etc.

next i wear mammoth helmet and curved bow. no vitality stat increased as they both don't give vitality. mammoth helm give +28 amount of life.
-20% vitality penalty.
part I - item side
item side (-4 vitality) = (20-4 =) 16 vitality (i don't know why the game doesn't update the vitality this way)
item side amount of life = 28
item vitality to amount of life = 16.
total item hp = 16+28 = 44 (made sense)
also, can be inferred that "amount of life" and "vitality" are 2 completely different stats. vitality is converted to amount of life and the other way around is not possible.

part II - Own
base vitality - 12,
base amount of life - 109.
Now, according to the game 1 vitality "gives" 1 amount of life. But, here is the problem. for penalising, the mechanic is taking base "amount of life" as "vitality".
so instead of, penalising vitality = -2.4 (20% of 12)
it is penalising = -22 vitality

and thus, total penalisation becomes = -26 vitality, instead of = -6.4 vitality. which is kinda wrong, as if amount of life and vitality were one and the same, it won't matter, but it isn't same. furthermore, the amount of life is a completely different stat specified on half the items. Please fix the issue.



Tuesday, January 1st 2019, 9:18pm

any idea if this is being looked into, or is it completely off the discussion etc?

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Friday, January 4th 2019, 7:58pm

Feedback and Ideas is dead, post as ticket to admin
what is the definition of insanity? :glance:

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