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Monday, April 29th 2019, 11:10am

Rewards for Glory from "Prize Warrior Chests" - Worthwile?

Hey Guys,

third (and last) stats i was interested in last weeks is Glory chests.

Although i don´t earn Valor since years i am happy to receive something
while doing battlefields (or raiding Virigiya or killing at Haunted :sarcastic: )
due to "Prize Warrior Chests".

As new Dragon Gifts from chests - when used Chests at wednesday - can refresh
my Dragon Gifts Lifetime to keep them for next weekend event i wondered
how often they are in...

As i often miss catching chests (record: at 94.000 Glory), my valor statuette is small
and ´cause world is bad at all :splinter: i dont have that huge of number counted here,
but at least it gives a small insight.

Seems like it is kind of:
100% to receive Red Elixir(s)
100% to receive some of Temporary Strengthenings
33% to receive rare valuable stuf
(no one cares about Battle Axe Symbols i guess)

To be continued, but atm i am happy to get orden
in my ingame profile so time to share it here with you :rose:

What other "special" gifts did chests perhaps give you?

Have a good week-start,


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Monday, April 29th 2019, 12:33pm

I literally got nothing in one valor chest, only giants etc, battel bond. Not even red elixir. Weird, this happened yday


Monday, April 29th 2019, 7:44pm

I'm the one that was lucky and got rare prize chest in glory chest :red:

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Monday, May 13th 2019, 1:39pm

2 smuggled bags in last gb event 55 gold+ :xmasparty:


Wednesday, October 21st 2020, 2:04pm

Hey Folks, i wanted to renew that since long and today i found some free time so see attached
a higher number of Chests - statistic outcome from last year is confirmed...

Additional info:
I actually do know someone who received red chest and found cerrador amulet inside :clap:

So keep fighting :sneakers:
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