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Wednesday, October 16th 2019, 6:03pm

[GUIDE] Change from Kroffdor to Eldive Reputation

How to get Eldive’s reputation if you already have Kroffdor's reputation.

Deprivation / denial of reputation Kroffdor

After receiving the Medal of Worship of the Kroffdor, if you want to start getting reputation of the Eldive, there are several options to accomplish this:

  • Denying the reputation of Kroffdor. To deprive a character at once of the whole reputation of Kroffdor, it is necessary for Mage Fairy-a-Maiya or Mage Chooli-a-Veyna to bring 150 Incarnums. Studied Incarnum procurement and spells are preserved;
  • Pumping reputation. Transfer of reputation implies a decrease in one reputation and a simultaneous increase in the opposite when using the devices of the enemy faction. So burning a Centrido in Antizio and / or Prozio will reduce the reputation of the Kroffdor by 10 units and at the same time increase the reputation of the Eldive by 5 units. In this way, a gradual decline in reputation is an increase in a new reputation and it raises the power of devices of that take place. This method is available if the quests Initiation and Ordeal by Blood were originally performed. Otherwise, buying a device of a different race will not work, and it will be necessary to nullify the reputation.

Device Power Transfer:

Power transformation is an operation that allows you to transfer power from an existing device of one race to a device of a different race similar in properties. As a rule, owners of the worship medal resort to this manipulation to transfer power from an existing red device to a weaker device of the opposite race. The minimum requirement for the receiver is gray. However, you can transfer power even before reaching the red medal. For example, if you change your mind about enhancing the reputation of Kroffdor, and decided to switch to the Eldives, then you can lower the Krofdorov level to below 500, transfer the power of Davagar / Nevagar to Prozio / Antizio, respectively, and start enhancing your reputation with stronger Magic Aureole / Grevior.

You can get the power transfer service from Mage Fairy-a-Maiya at the Eldive Outpost or Mage Chooli-a-Veyna in the Riverhead of Wrath. Prerequisites are the completed quest chain “Volatile World” (given by elders in the capitals) - “In Search of the True Nature of the Fault” (by clicking on the Fire Palantir on Frontier or the Air Palantiron Domain of Winds) and the current level of Kroffdor's reputation is below 500. Reducing or denying will cause Krofdorov’s reputation to be reduced- it doesn't matter. In payment for the service, the Eldives will ask to bring 100 Centridos and 20 Flamians.

Fast way to get Eldive’s reputation if you already have Kroffdor's reputation:

  • Bring 150 Incarnums to Mage Fairy-a-Maiya at the Eldive Outpost and Mage Chooli-a-Veyna in the Riverhead of Wrath;
  • Buy 1,500 Centridos and using Standard Antizio get 2,500 Kroffdor's reputation;
  • Take the quest “Transfiguration Magic” from Mage Fairy-a-Maiya / Mage Chooli-a-Veyna. Bring 100 Centridos and 20 Flamians and receive Master Prozio (4 );
  • Use 100 Mighty Magic Aureole and you’ll get 3,00 Kroffdor's reputation.

This guide works for Kroffdor’s reputation. If you have Eldive’s reputation you only need to talk to the NPC who gives you the reputation to Mage Reodora and Mage Dimedora.