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Thursday, January 30th 2020, 8:47pm

Generic Crying About Battlefields and Call to a Battlefield Thread

Hello, my fellow level 18 people.

Let's all save some money and do meridian vaults on Saturday.

-It'll be fun
-You'll learn how to do it
-You will get some piece of valour and scalps
-It's fast paced
-It doesn't last hours
-You can just keep doing it until the day ends
-By having winstreaks you can start your Vision Interpreters reputation

-You probably don't know much about it
-You'll need some time to learn

But yeah, it'd be great if we could start and then keep doing it every saturday. Entrance is 7g and I know it's kinda much when you enter like 10 times a day you have to hunt for an hour to pay for it but it's fun, and you will get valor, you'll get scalps, you'll get vision rep... There's basically nothing to lose.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.