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Saturday, July 29th 2023, 7:11am

Rassen Wechsel zerti

Wurde nicht versprochen das es für jeden ein rasse zerti gibt bei beendigung der server zusammenleggung??


Saturday, July 29th 2023, 10:54am

Server Merge Announcement:
Clan Race Change News:
Nickname Change News:

Dear Player,

There were a few different things offered but free race change certificate for everyone was not one of them. Those offers are/were (quoting from the news):
  1. All players will be able to receive a special gift from the elders Baguron and Verkiry by completing the quest "Cataclysms in the World of Faeo".
  2. Players whose name was not unique as a result of the server merge, will receive a "New Name" Certificate in the near future
  3. For transfer from Magmars to Humans only: A document confirming your right to use the service to transfer your clan to another continent. Magmar players will receive a discount of 50% for race transfers when using the clan transfer service.

Have a nice day!
Keep calm, I'm a MENTOR :)

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