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Friday, December 24th 2010, 6:26pm

Client Freezing

Hello! The client seems to be having some issues - it keeps freezing and to just to move from one area to the next :fuu: ....So I closed the client and restarted then it gave me an dl error when it was starting up and so I shut it down again and it loaded fine.

I know of one other person who has had issue with the client....The freezing is happening while I am in a fight which is pretty annoying especially when I finally get a stunn in. By the time it unfreezes my stun is pretty much gone.

Please do something about this - rainbow or any kind of hunting is worthless if this is going to continue to happening!
Thanks, Kit
I am ALWAYS a figment of your imagination


Friday, December 24th 2010, 6:28pm

Oh and I did hit refresh and it gave me a page cannot be displayed
I am ALWAYS a figment of your imagination


Friday, December 24th 2010, 6:38pm

like kit im having constant problems with the client... trade screens wont open ... locations dont change...items used dont dissapear, as you can see this is a real problem for me
i have cleared the cache and sent an error log and lastly did a compleat reinstall of the client nothing seems to help
im open to any suggestions that resolve this
