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Wednesday, December 29th 2010, 6:07pm

my card was charged but i recieved nothing from game

my credit card was charged 2 times and i never recieved my 1 diamond i needed for quest it keeps telling me my card no good ..not possable i called to verify it was good and amount was there it has been charged 2 times from the game 1 dollar each time and ive yet to reciev what i paid for whats up ....if this is a tactic to get me to putt more money on game ...not gonna happen all i want is what i paid for and to complete the plosifer stone quest,,,,


Wednesday, December 29th 2010, 6:59pm

We can not answer any issues regarding your payment in the forum. For payment questions you need to write to


Wednesday, December 29th 2010, 9:42pm

thanks for your reply cross knight i am still trying to use the payment system but the charges came back too me i dont know whats going on im just trying to buy a single diamond anytime i try to buy under 10 dollars it says my card nogood ..if its over a 10 dollar amount it will go through ........kinda weird if ya ask me so i guess ill just keep trying till i get a amount to accept ..just want to finsh the quest lol


Thursday, December 30th 2010, 10:40am

Please read my answer above.