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 Legend: Legacy of the Dragons Turns 7!18.09.2014 15:40

Warriors! We have prepared something special for you for the upcoming 7th birthday of Legend: Legacy of the Dragons!


First of all, every citizen of the World of Faeo can get a special present from Elder Baguron or Elder Verkiry until 22nd of September.


The present contains all the gifts any warrior would be happy to receive.


Second, almighty mistress of the Dragons Sheara has cast a spell on all warriors’ items so that they won’t break in battle starting from September 19, till September 22.

Third, we have launched a special celebratory event on Facebook. Click here to read more about it and make sure you and your clan participate in it.

Administration of the project thanks you for being with us for 7 years and hope that you’ll enjoy all the things we have prepared for you. Have a great game!
Author: lososerg, editor note: lososerg

31. DEADLY WRAITH 19.09.2014 07:58
"Second, almighty mistress of the Dragons Sheara has cast a spell on all­­ warriors’ items so that they won’t break in battle starting from September­­ 20, till September 22". Time Please, or are we supposed to­ randomely damage armour to find out?
32. -Pearl- 19.09.2014 10:36
i have the same problem with the cake bless^^ - losted 1 hour of my rage­ today!!! every fight hanged up and client crashed^^
33. n6mm 19.09.2014 12:31
yay after last year i hoped they managed to fix the cake issues but it seems not­ lol i only had to die once to remember last time :D
34. virtutis 19.09.2014 12:43
i have the same problem too with the cake bless - at 10 am this day. 2­ fights lost and items lost up , and client crashed, during a rainbow I­ wrote ticket to support ...
35. n6mm 19.09.2014 16:47
how nice of you to give us blesses. i was running around underwater decided to­ use red lolly and kill some baby korrs lol attributes show damage 56.1 .. 83.9­ but actual damage has dropped badly even compared to when i go without any­ boosts. hitting above 56 happens maybe quarter of turns and half the time i hit­ below 50 lowest is 44 so far. wtf why isnt there a note on red lolly that it­ reatores 7% of damage to your health but reduces damage output?
36. n6mm 19.09.2014 17:10
and last just a question. considering how well these birthday blesses have­ worked for me so far :D cake made client crash and i died lolly reduced damage­ :D if i use premium elixir of invinvibility do i lose all my gear if i should­ die? lol
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