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 Premium Shop Assortment Update26.09.2016 13:00

Warriors of Ogriy and Khair! Assortment of the Premium shop was updated.

This time tradesmen are selling items from the artful sets. You now have a great opportunity to update or add new items to your collection.
Sale of artful items will last from September 26th till October 3rd

P.S. Game Administration will open a series of quests so that players of levels 16 and higher could get artful items.
Author: lososerg, editor note: lososerg

21. -Dullahan- 27.09.2016 02:39
@Lunill What events. Non break and double valor ^^ Before you ask for things­ please think of consequences. Thanks to insistence on making chaotic armor­ convertable you guys have rendered fortress, trophy reps, gnome runes and cross­ swords useless. Not like they got that much participation when they run. I am­ all for new events but players need to stop living in the past and realize most­ they wanted already incorporated into "normal" play. What good would a­ double valor or non-break (except for tallar) do when they happen every day?
22. Luinill Wolfkai 27.09.2016 09:41
@-Dullahan-: we tried to start lv 13 tallars and as you can see we had 3­ tallars, so if people organize, something is possible without event... But­ it's not the point -->­ You­ already saw this thread... The point is we have no break infinite PvPs, but very­ few lv 13 people do really que for it! Before when there was a news for a­ PvP event, people would jump into it... Now not! It is awesome to have those­ battlefields and I made ranks on them even for my shadow but those no break­ battlefields are needed to be SPONSORED and not just in main chat but with admin­ flood every 30 min "TEMPLE IS NO BREAK TODAY! QUEUE!" with big­ labels for everyone... Not just everyone knows 100% of game mechanics. I­ can't go to magmar side to ask someone "hey, sponsorize this, so we can­ make it start", one time I got told it was not even possible to communicate­ with magmars... Then how can we make them start if no admin flood and people­ don't check queue!? So the lack of sponsoring makes these battlefields­ nearly dead, except arena, where there aren't average people at least at my­ level. But that's not even the real point! Where are festivals? Where­ are CTs? Where are clan wars, badlands, innovative plateau where you had special­ attack scrolls to give 80% valor even to losers (check old servers)? And so­ on... Innovation is a very good incentive to keep people play, but here the only­ innovation is "hey let's add diamond things over and over"... I­ don't think I'm the only in this face of earth that thinks like this...
23. -Dullahan- 27.09.2016 14:04
@lunill There is a 30mins flood reminding people of what battlefield days are­ non-break.... Plus it only takes 1 person from each side queuing to send a­ message across all 3 servers that something "odd" is happening on­ battlefield tab. We have an "attack scroll" 80% valor already on­ ancient plat. The dragons fights auotmatically give that much valor without any­ need to risk getting attacked before you can click a silly scroll. Festivals?­ You mean those gambling events where people whine about the game stealing their­ money? Those events where the main prizes are pretty much sold with certainity­ at fairs or Rare Items for Special Price events? CC isn't alive and they­ give more valor with mage fury than CT could ever hope of giving. Time has­ rendered most older events obsolete. They were dead for the most part or­ impacted badly on all other battlefields. Clan wars and newer events we can have­ if ask as much as to convert purple armor. But this time around ensure its not­ just DS and 4-5 other COM clans doing it.
24. Luinill Wolfkai 28.09.2016 12:15
@Dullahan, I see how that flood is convincing people to queue, same flood effect­ as "Having trouble overcoming monsters? Get a group together!" :lol:­ to convince people que, do I really have to go magmar side with multi account to­ ask someone to do the work for me? What is wrong with this game...? Festivals­ are a way for low level players to pick resources and gain something from them,­ plus we high levels buy the resources and use in festival, it's also way to­ cooperate from each level, that's why it was quite successful. Didn't­ know about plato --- and yet not SPONSORIZED with a big news about it, very few­ go. CT was fun because was absurd to see 25vs25 people fighting like hell, just­ mirrors ruin them would be nice to not have them inside, just increase valor to­ not make them very obsolete; clan wars are also needed for lv 3 clans. I­ personally don't like fortresses because for me it's waste of time but­ it's nice to show off from a clan like Alliance on italian server their­ strength in Haldebor, plus easier to get purple weapons for everyone. Faeo under­ control of darkness was a bit repetitive, but at least something DIFFERENT to do­ through day. I'm happy admin made PvP survey, maybe all new upcoming things­ will not just be diamond-only, but also old PvP/not PvP necessarly related­ stuff, or even better --- new upcoming things. I am hunting really a lot just to­ catch up with gold/dia things that I am wishing just normal or fun events.­ It's my last post here. Looks like not, but if we're still playing the­ game we enjoy the game in general, but day after day it's not going to­ improve, it's stuck into diamond loop.
25. -Dullahan- 28.09.2016 14:02
I really don't see how individual floods will do much better. The tabs­ battlefield tabs automatically switch to the battlefield day and 1 willing mag­ or human sends a flood to their whole race by changing the color of the tab.­ Unless people that dumb then its a silly excuse that they are not aware of­ battlefields. Heck non-break proves that notion invalid. People seem to find the­ tallar tab just fine and the non-break symbol is just the same as a red­ battlefield tab. Of course low levels rather pick resources than make more money­ reselling during rare items event... People been whining about too much diamond­ events even back in your glory days. I have little hopes the whining about­ needing things we need but under utilize will change. It was petition after all­ that selected the equals schedules...
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