Online RPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons

--Lady O Lakes--
Game info Fight records
Race Humans
Victories 6872
Defeats 1088
Magmars slain 17
Rank Champion

Agility 47
Intuition 233
Protection 63
Strength 240
Vitality 149

Durability 275
Initiative 27

Intellect 35
Wisdom 107

Popularity 56

Victories in great battles 19
Participation in Great Battles 53
Maximum number of crits 29
Maximum number of blocks 49
Maximum crit 228
Maximum number of dodges 16
Maximum number of deaths 2
Maximum number of kills 10
Maximum number of hits 182
Maximum crit received 740
Maximum number of misses 24
Maximum number of block blows 35

Professions Estate
Herbologist 149
Alchemist 121
Healer 3
Latest achievements
  Total Achievements: 745  
Best achievements
  Total Points: 4650  

Personal information Gifts Friends
Name: Jaye Byrd
Lives in the world of Faeo: 13 years6 month(s) 7 day(s)
Birthday: 5 September
Region: United States
Motto: War Games: Sometimes you need to take it with a grain of Assault!
About you: Well, nice (and confusing) to be back - LMAO O Lakes--

I owed -mantu7- 20 gold for Tool... Paid

I owed sir kill alot 70 gold for lvl 3gear... Paid
Now I owe sir kill alot 15g for barb. vest Paid
I owe mr hunter 8g for boots

Loan to Lake-Witch of 10g Pd. 3 g loan along with stuff to make my rune order- added green short and reti pauldrons for her to ctush for rune making . lAKE-wITCH::YW for storage items -

Current goal: Bring Arnabag the Mage a Crystal Knight Figurine, Gilded Great Dragons Shield, 3 evil eyes and 5g.

Lake-Witch is now Owner of my old compute/IP address. Due to increased hacking, her lappy and mine (soon) will now (and soon) show multiple IP addresses in order to prevent fraud.
Also all storage items have been returned. 6/6/19

A VERY helpful site written by our most wonderful Mentors...

Saved fights
Fight against enemy race PvP ~ LMAO