Online RPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons

Game info Fight records
Race Magmars
Victories 6604
Defeats 285
Humans slain 0
Rank Warrior

Agility 19
Intuition 21
Protection 18
Strength 22
Vitality 21

Victories in great battles 3
Participation in Great Battles 5
Maximum number of crits 20
Maximum number of blocks 6
Maximum crit 284
Maximum number of dodges 7
Maximum number of deaths 1
Maximum number of kills 2
Maximum number of hits 90
Maximum crit received 235
Maximum number of misses 22
Maximum number of block blows 14

Fisherman 119
Sorcerer 60
Latest achievements
  Total Achievements: 269  
Best achievements
  Total Points: 1585  

Personal information Gifts
Name: Sam
Lives in the world of Faeo: 14 years2 month(s) 25 day(s)
Region: New Zealand
Motto: come on guys keep it green
About you: 09:22 Congratulations! You have reached the second level. Your attributes have increased and you have received 5 silver and the knowledge of a new super blow. You have now found your feet in Faeo and no longer need the young warriors' blessing; therefore it has dispersed.
21:04 Congratulations! You have reached the third level. You are now stronger and faster and as a reward have received 70 silver and the knowledge of a new super blow. On top of that, you can now learn a profession by visiting the Guild of Artisans in City Square.
07:44 Congratulations! You have reached the fourth level. You are now stronger and faster and as a reward have received 80 silver and the knowledge of a new super blow.

my brother and i play off the sam ip adress so plz dont ban us his name is [blood demon]
Family: dad Milzy
Mum Dookz
Brother BlueVIII
Mess with 1 mess with all
saturday, june 5, at midnite server time
Orders:mr Good Stuff 100 green poison
czolgi 2000 crisom

00:12 To confirm your participation in the battlefield, click HERE.
Drops :-)
09:58 You received Executioner Vest 1 pcs 26-03-2-10
14:23 You have received Executioner Vest В 1 pcs. 11-04-10
02:52 You have received Wanderer's Belt В 1 pcs. 11-04-10
08:13 You received Executioner Cuisses 1 pcs 11-04-10
17:17 You received Twilight Wakizashi 1 pcs 12-04-10
10:29 You received Scroll of Resurrection Recipe 1 pcs. 12-04-10
13:28 Your party received Wanderer's Belt 1 pcs 04-05-10
04:39 You received Avenger Ring 1 pcs
08:07 Your party received Scroll of Healing Recipe 1 pcs. blue
14:01 You received Twilight Boots 1 pcs19-05-10
Loans: 1 milzy 1.3 grkboi punkenstein 1g
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$green drop-bunny! :)

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