Online RPG Legend: Legacy of the Dragons

Game info Fight records
Race Magmars
Victories 11813
Defeats 1110
Humans slain 21
Rank Fighter

Agility 28
Intuition 26
Protection 302
Strength 171
Vitality 282

Intellect 92
Wisdom 104

Victories in great battles 9
Participation in Great Battles 14
Maximum number of crits 28
Maximum number of blocks 100
Maximum crit 390
Maximum number of dodges 10
Maximum number of deaths 2
Maximum number of kills 21
Maximum number of hits 232
Maximum crit received 889
Maximum number of misses 38
Maximum number of block blows 27

Professions Estate
Fisherman 177
Sorcerer 90
Locksmith 57
Latest achievements
  Total Achievements: 591  
Best achievements
  Total Points: 3500  

Personal information Gifts
Name: Matt
Lives in the world of Faeo: 14 years11 month(s) 25 day(s)
Birthday: 19 February 1992
Region: United Kingdom
Motto: If you can hold your weapon, You are not dead
About you: I have PBZ, PCZ and Corvus for rent

shadowdragon99 believes that there is no better or more reliable friend than spectre500! This warrior is always ready to help you in times of trouble, and without their help things would be difficult for anyone! When we're together, nobody can stop us!

opening Bronze/Metal Chests 10s
opening Bronze Caskets free or buying for 50s
opening Quest Chests 5s

Scalps handed over to dragon 85
Secret Knowledge 26

Harcide Stinger
Scorpion Bile
Gurraldiy Slime
Enchanted Teeth
Cerberus Tongue
Dead Rum
Elixirs of the Undead
Encyclopaedia of Chaos Elixirs and Amulets
Mercury Mirror Treatise
Wolfer Talon
Fiery Heart
Shizka Mushroom
Emperor Scorpion Bile
Swamp Heart
Female Ashen Spider

---Best Crit---
spectre500 [7]Gargoyle [8] -236 crit
spectre500 [7]Gungl Cutt... [5] -139 crit, got 235hp back (great thrist for blood SB with vampires will and fruit jelly)
spectre500 [7]Sharker Le... [7] -278 crit
dragon fox [11]spectre500 [7] -46 crit
spectre500 [7]Sharker Me... [6] -315 crit
spectre500 [8]VAMPXIII [10] -274 cri

i play on multiple ips please dont ban me
Saved fights
Fight against enemy race attacked on fay-go
Fight against monsters 3 Cerberus