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Thursday, February 13th 2014, 4:09am

Why must you feel the urge to take over?
Why the sense of entitlement?
Why did the spider sit down beside her?
Why was it all the kings men and not the Queens men?
Why did jack force jill to run up the hill?
Why did the old lady live in a shoe?
Why are Nursery Rhymes so nonsensical?
Why do Dzaack and Mihawk have such rage towards Why?
Why does a Zombie Apacolypse scare everyone so?
Why does Brad Pitt look like a homeless bum in World War Z?
Why cant humans and Zombies just co-exist in mutual happiness?
If you cant hang with the BIG DOGS, just stay under the Porch!!!! :nono: :sarcastic:


Thursday, February 13th 2014, 9:52am

Why would academics be sad if the world banned the use of the word science?

Why do I only hear about really famous children stories like Snow White but never actually looked it up?

Why did I think the king is more likely to kill Humpty Dumpty than try to fix him?

Why is strangling people so satisfying?

Why don't you respect my right to take over?

Why is someone going to start a "because" post at some point?

WHy will most of his answers be useless?

Why will he be called something like Tornadostorm23?

Why don't people at schools just teach you things instead of beating round the bush for like 10 years of education?

Why isn't a parking lot as famous as Eifel tower?

Why did i think Eifel tower was actually Eyefull tower?

WHy can't it be EYefull tower?

Why are nursery rhymes so logical and natural?

Why are you wrong about nursery rhymes?

Why is it bad if you die?

Why does it feel bad then?

Why did I once think a rotten onion in the dirt was a dinousaur egg?

Why are children interested in dinosaurs?


Thursday, February 13th 2014, 3:01pm

Why did peter piper pick a peck?
Why is death being brought up so whimsically?
Why would dinosaurs love to eat a child?
Why is ee cummings the greatest poet?
Why do i think a because topic is brilliant?
Why do we care how much wood a woodchuck chucks?
Why is chucks even a word?
Why does the word Tsunami sound like a fun dessert?
Why do people think we are brain damaged to have this topic?
Why does the question Why make us of questionable character?
Why were Hansel and Gretel lost in the woods?
If you cant hang with the BIG DOGS, just stay under the Porch!!!! :nono: :sarcastic:


Tuesday, February 18th 2014, 12:55pm

Why havent the koreans started playing this game? they seem to dominate every other MMO
Why does it appear that Keleth seem to annoy everyone?
Why do the battlefields have to be sooo laggy?
Why do i have problems sleeping?
Why hasnt everyone posted their Why's?
Why are froglegs so tasty?
Why cant the World have a coke and smile?
Why do birds suddenly appear and krap just on me?
Why is the movie THE JOYLUCK CLUB such a tear jerker?
Why cant i focus this morning?
Why is my humor abit dodgy?
If you cant hang with the BIG DOGS, just stay under the Porch!!!! :nono: :sarcastic:

Posts: 1,512

Location: South Africa

Occupation: IT

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Tuesday, February 18th 2014, 12:57pm

what is the definition of insanity? :glance:


Tuesday, February 18th 2014, 9:50pm

Why cant i pick someone from the genral public and start hammering his face repeatedly with some heavy object?

Why is the joker so cool?

Why are the words "annoy", "annoying", "annoyed" very often used by annoying people?

Why is humour like nature?

Why is the definition of insanity? :glance:

Why is the road to the forest clear to those who know the way?

Why would it be better to be eaten by a snow leopard than be killed by a gun shot?

Why is the poem "The Colour of Trust" so little known?

Why are the fanmade version of poems inside fantasy novels so much better than the original?

Why, then, is fanfiction so horrible?

Why are presents better than whats inside them?


Why is that written in the sand?

Why is this skin disease

so fascinating to watch?

Why are there so many robots trying to log in to websites?


Tuesday, February 18th 2014, 9:51pm

Why are photo link fails so humiliating? xD


Saturday, February 22nd 2014, 1:24am

Why do people annoyed with technology not working wonder how correctly and consistently every function of their body works?

Why do grown ups react so praisingly when a child subtracts two numbers correctly after doing sums?

Why do people complain about diets instead of exercising an eating whateva?

Why are these questions mostly boring?

Why is it mostly because they deal with domestic issues?

Why is it so little known that there is a lizard which has green blood?

Why did i just assume that it is so little known?

Why am i probably rite?

Why do i think iam probably rite?

Why is this going on too far?

Why would anyone want to mess with the batman?


Sunday, March 2nd 2014, 2:12am

Why is Mihawk spamming this peaceful section with monotonous informative threads ?