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Search results 1-20 of 629.

Sunday, May 1st 2022, 9:59pm

Author: Nefertiti

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May draw

19-16-04-48 46-20-40-14 17-22-21-01 33-39-02-36

Sunday, April 3rd 2022, 11:10am

Author: Nefertiti

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - April draw

19-16-04-48 46-20-40-14 17-22-21-01 33-39-02-36

Sunday, March 27th 2022, 11:08pm

Author: Nefertiti

New attack rules: the funeral of the game.

@sequana, darling, if Destructive actions is still a thing in the game rules (I dont read it anymore) do you think I should bother wih a complain in the Guard section? (this is a genuine question not a remark that no actions will be taken cause he is our clanie, husband, moderator or any other emoticons resting on TJ shoulders)

Sunday, March 27th 2022, 11:07pm

Author: Nefertiti

New attack rules: the funeral of the game.

Quoted from "T-DeAdLY-J" The dynamic itself hasn't changed that greatly. You are under the assumption that higher levels will focus their entire energy on hunting down lower levels. If they choose to attack after 5-10 locations into the enemy mainland, the question really turns to - why are they doing that? Would they really want to risk potential scalps that far in, just to kill a lower level? More than likely it would have had some reasoning behind it. Also, how often did you see level 13s ra...

Monday, November 22nd 2021, 11:11pm

Author: Nefertiti


Cahal, as you probably saw, your clannie made the same remark as I did, so did Deathwish. Don't be that guy that takes every chance to attack on every post I make on forum. As you can see, I couldn't care less. I'm sorry that you think the core of my post was that lvl20 should not have a safe place to hunt. If indeed admins want to help lvl20 players they can offer them more locations to hunt or even make the current hunt locations so that you can't attack (like rainbow lands, but with hunting s...

Monday, November 22nd 2021, 8:45pm

Author: Nefertiti


The post is no longer seen as deleted, any trace of it completly erased. are you allowed to do that ? Arent you supose to write a reason you deleted it for? Ive seen the message and i can say im familiar with the forum and game rules. That message had no reason to be deleted. unless it was personal...

Monday, November 22nd 2021, 8:35pm

Author: Nefertiti


I was thinking the exact same thing. I really don't know who comes up with these ideas and also what are those ideas based on. Did guards/support teams receive feedback from mages that they are tired of killing eachothers and they want to try some fresh lvl7 blood. I suspect people that take this decisions aren't really bothered by this rule. As far as I can see this game is put on auto. Nobody cares what do players think, no admin interaction with the player base and solely relies on filtered i...

Saturday, November 20th 2021, 9:52am

Author: Nefertiti

Anniversary shop closed

Due to a large number of players that didnt got the chance to use their coins (yes, we can buy food), is it possible to have the shop re-opened for a short period of time? And maybe take this situation as a feedback for the next anniversary and have the shop opened for a period similar to the reward stage from seasonal events? After all, we have seasonal each month, anniversary just once a year.

Monday, November 8th 2021, 11:38pm

Author: Nefertiti

Broken stuff [Post HERE!]

Legendary Cutthroats Deck not working as it once was. In the past, when you selected "Attack" it would attack the target ONLY if it was not in a fight. if the target was in fight you woud have received an error message. "Help in combat" option would attack a person that was already in battle. Now both options do the same thing: attack a person, no matter if he is in battle or not.

Sunday, October 31st 2021, 3:05pm

Author: Nefertiti

Broken stuff [Post HERE!]

Quoted from "T-DeAdLY-J" The Anniversary quests related to Ergam have been temporarily disabled due to glitches caused by the time change. If you have finished the Brave New World quest, you can access Ergam manually (for the Labyrinth instance) via Favytor Suburbs or Grand Ford Suburbs or 3 times per day via the Ergam teleportation scroll. I can not use the scroll to teleport there , I can not see the Brave New world quest anymore.

Friday, October 29th 2021, 11:38pm

Author: Nefertiti

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - November draw

19-16-04-48 46-20-40-14 17-22-21-01 33-39-02-36

Monday, July 5th 2021, 11:07pm

Author: Nefertiti

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - July Draw

19-16-04-48 46-20-40-14 17-22-21-01 33-39-02-36

Wednesday, May 19th 2021, 10:57pm

Author: Nefertiti

Search user bar

Anyone else encountered problems with the search user information bar when it doesn't memorise your searches? I do have some there but they are old. Any search i do now isn't memorised anymore. Client updated and cleared cache.

Saturday, May 1st 2021, 2:18pm

Author: Nefertiti

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May Draw

19-16-04-48 46-20-40-14 17-22-21-01 33-39-02-36

Monday, April 5th 2021, 9:37pm

Author: Nefertiti

[April event] Monday - Puzzles!

whats this?

Monday, April 5th 2021, 7:36pm

Author: Nefertiti

[April event] Sunday - FactBox!

Quoted from "zAquisgran" drink quiete yes, we drink muche