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Search results 1-12 of 12.
Wednesday, September 25th 2024, 7:43pm
Author: Bahuleyan
Paypal not working
Hey guys, For the last couple of days been trying to buy some stuff, but paypal isn't working. Is it just me or the same for you guys too?
Thursday, July 25th 2024, 4:51am
Author: theleo
Where in the world can I find a swamp toad!?
So the current goal of the quest is this - Where in the world can I find swamp toads? kindly help, desperate Current goal:Obtain swamp toads (12 pcs.) and return with them to Sorena the Mermaid at the Lumirya Waterfall. Reward:700 City Reputation, 50 Flaundin Reputation. Strong Essence of Experience 7 pcs., Weak Essence of Experience 5 pcs.
Thursday, July 11th 2024, 10:09pm
Author: theleo
Small help regarding mounts
Guys what is better? Cerrador or a Dzerug? Mainly for pve and stuff as level 5. Thanks in advance for the advice
Thursday, March 8th 2012, 3:51pm
Author: theleo
Bad Nicknames
Monday, October 24th 2011, 4:46pm
Author: theleo
No achievement
15:42 Received: 130 city reputation. Seized: Efril 100 pcs. O'Delvays reputation 1534 on 24/10/2011 Still havent got the achievement for 1500 city rep, please help
Thursday, September 29th 2011, 6:56pm
Author: theleo
toffee cover bug? maybe?
We recieved these…ct_id=115042864 from Summer fair, as said in it we got it after the said expiry date, and the quest is not active with the fairy in communal grave, so please look into this. Thank You
Tuesday, August 9th 2011, 5:38pm
Author: theleo
Typo in the quest for figurines
5 Collectors Figurines have been obtained Elandria was a gigantic empire. The king loved to collect replica of all the things and beings that existed in his empire. Since his empire was covering the whole world he didn’t have any enemies. There wads total peace and the king had enough time for his passion. But as you know these collector’s figurines were something very special: They were a present for the only son of the king. We still don’t really know what happened to the child but it had some...
Saturday, July 23rd 2011, 3:06pm
Author: theleo
Got No wolfer talons or Jugger rep
Am sure u guys are super busy, would like to know if we are going to get the talons and rep
Saturday, July 16th 2011, 8:40pm
Author: theleo
Got No wolfer talons or Jugger rep
and thankyou for taking time out to help us out with this
Saturday, July 16th 2011, 8:38pm
Author: theleo
Got No wolfer talons or Jugger rep
umm ok but what about all of us? harapalb was in party with us too you know, and we did dmg too for it to count
Wednesday, July 13th 2011, 3:51pm
Author: theleo
Got No wolfer talons or Jugger rep
We were all in group, and group settings was in leader distributes, same setting as the previous 7 wolfers, and the one wolfer we did after this fight, we got loot for all others
Sunday, July 10th 2011, 11:45am
Author: theleo
Got No wolfer talons or Jugger rep…06973742&stat=1 We did this fight and we got no wolfer talons or Juggernaught rep, none of us got wolfer talons actually from that fight. Please kindly do the needful