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Monday, October 30th 2023, 7:24am

Author: Kolur

Issue with payments

i made payment 2 times !!!!! first paypal and i bonuses but not the 50 diamonds and then now few days later i used card NOT paypal and same happened didnt get 50 diamonds so its not just paypal Which bundle did you buy? Note: bundles for the chests in Autumn sale do not give diamonds.

Saturday, May 1st 2021, 10:17pm

Author: Kolur

Arena problem…672751&finish=1 i know i lost but still i should have gotten valor !!!!!!!! it was laggin and then disconnecting but managed to finish and all looked ok !!!!!!

Monday, October 12th 2020, 12:47pm

Author: Kolur

how to get Dalgo

12:45 You have completed the quest Magic Five... Received: 10,000 experience, Dalgo 100 pcs. ok i didnt finish fighting the 5 mages so now its done

Monday, October 12th 2020, 12:17pm

Author: Kolur

how to get Dalgo

I tryed countless times , at one poin the first stage was 2 light mages so i summoned shadow second stage was somthing i cant remember but i summoned 1 earth mage and supported it with scrolls to try to save a summon , then bla bla bla cant remember but on final stage i sacrifised a shadow and fire and kept them alive as long as possible so enemy mages where finished with theyr mana then it was easyer ..... dont as me to do it again

Monday, October 12th 2020, 9:51am

Author: Kolur

how to get Dalgo

You have completed the quest Games of the Chosen. 09:45 Received: 10,000 experience, Overpowering Signet Ring 1 pcs, 5 38 . i thought i would get Dalgo FFsake

Wednesday, June 17th 2020, 9:23pm

Author: Kolur

Lucky Cerrador Statuette

I bought one chest and got my statue so im not complaining

Sunday, November 11th 2018, 4:34pm

Author: Kolur

LAG and other fekk

Dear admins now i have 2 times had problem with the client and fully buffed kicked out of Tallars this is kinda starting to look like russian dating site!!!!! where as soon as you pay ur kicked out !!!!!!!! please fix this and send me my valuble buffs back

Thursday, October 21st 2010, 3:33am

Author: Kolur

One armed bandit

tried difrient pc and didnt work

Tuesday, October 19th 2010, 12:59pm

Author: Kolur

One armed bandit

same happend to me

Tuesday, October 19th 2010, 12:52pm

Author: Kolur

One armed bandit

hello masters i am/was playin the game and it froze Exactly when i got the supergame on so i cant klick on the ?<-marks and get the price i did take a screenshot of it frozen to prove it and as you know it should give me 8-12 gold that game so its kinda important to fix thx Kolur