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Thursday, September 26th 2024, 2:00pm

Author: Alysanne

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October draw

26-01-09-31 06-34-13-42 47-19-22-07 33-28-46-11

Friday, September 6th 2024, 2:03pm

Author: Alysanne


Witaj! Jeśli chodzi o komendy, to nie ma ich za wiele. Nie kojarzę też komendy przywołującej potwora do walki :D /help - wyświetla prośbę o pomoc na czacie, z linkiem pozwalającym na dołączenie do walki, treść wiadomości możesz podać po spacji (na przykład /help Fast!!!), w przeciwnym razie będzie domyślna;/instinfo - wyświetla informacje o aktualnie zajętych / niedostępnych instancjach, widoczne tylko dla Ciebie;/rand - losuje liczbę z zakresu 1-100, chyba że podasz inny zakres po spacji (na pr...

Wednesday, August 28th 2024, 12:33pm

Author: Alysanne

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September draw

26-01-09-31 06-34-13-42 47-19-22-07 33-28-46-11

Wednesday, August 28th 2024, 12:26pm

Author: Alysanne

Otherworld Vision Potion

Hi! The chances of receiving seeds are quite low, so it's best to pick gray resources to collect as much as possible in an hour. According to other players, the typical number of seeds collected in an hour is around 4, but this number depends heavily on luck. If you want to get seeds you can also try sending pets on quests in the Ranger Camp. Good luck!

Tuesday, August 27th 2024, 2:31pm

Author: Alysanne

chimäre erschaffen

Hallo, Die Quest "Großwildjagd" steht Kriegern zur Verfügung, die die Quest "Wissenschaft der Massenvernichtung" abgeschlossen haben. Aufgaben werden vom Meister Globius in den Hügeln der Versöhnung. Bei weiteren Fragen wenden Sie sich am besten per Privatnachricht oder per Post an einen deutschsprachigen Mentor (McDonald). Da ich kein fließendes Deutsch spreche, benutze ich einen Übersetzer.

Saturday, August 24th 2024, 12:26pm

Author: Alysanne

Battle Pass: Season of the Alchemist's Secrets!

Quoted from "orrin" can i get Kenny the cat back again? lol Your task was to take care of the cat, if you failed, you cannot complete quest or reset it.

Friday, August 23rd 2024, 7:58pm

Author: Alysanne

Battle Pass: Season of the Alchemist's Secrets!

Quoted from "_haleluya_" For example, I bought a diamond pass and reached level 10. If I buy another pass for gold, what will happen to my progress? Hi, Nothing happen, your progress will remain unchanged. You will be able to claim gold rewards for all levels you have achieved so far.

Tuesday, August 20th 2024, 11:28pm

Author: Alysanne

Season of the Alchemist's Secrets

Season of the Alchemist's Secrets Aby brać udział w wydarzeniu potrzebna jest specjalna przepustka (Battle Pass). Są dwie rodzaje przepustki: Gold oraz Premium, każda z nich ma inne nagrody za postęp w codziennych zadaniach. Przepustkę Gold możesz zakupić za 50g w Sklepie Premium w zakładce 'Battle Pass'. Przepustkę Premium możesz zakupić za 50 diamentów w Sklepie Premium w zakładce 'Battle Pass' lub za 20$ / 20€ (oferta jest ograniczona czasowo i nie zawiera diamentów). W trakcie wydarzenia otr...

Wednesday, July 31st 2024, 12:09pm

Author: Alysanne

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - August draw

26-01-09-31 06-34-13-42 47-19-22-07 33-28-46-11

Wednesday, July 3rd 2024, 10:24pm

Author: Alysanne

[FOOTBALL EVENT] Matchdays 18-19 Spain 2 : Germany 1 Portugal 0 : France 1 England 2 : Switzerland 0 Netherlands 1 : Turkey 2

Thursday, June 27th 2024, 12:55am

Author: Alysanne

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - July draw

26-01-09-31 06-34-13-42 47-19-22-07 33-28-46-11

Friday, October 27th 2023, 12:01am

Author: Alysanne

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - November draw

26-01-09-31 06-34-13-42 47-19-22-07 33-28-46-11

Monday, October 2nd 2023, 9:02pm

Author: Alysanne

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October draw

26-01-09-31 06-34-13-42 47-19-22-07 33-28-46-11

Friday, September 1st 2023, 3:02pm

Author: Alysanne

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September draw

26-01-09-31 06-34-13-42 47-19-22-07 33-28-46-11

Saturday, July 29th 2023, 3:01am

Author: Alysanne

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - Anniversary draw

26-01-09-31 06-34-13-42 47-19-22-07 33-28-46-11

Wednesday, April 26th 2023, 11:00pm

Author: Alysanne

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May draw

26-01-09-31 06-34-13-42 47-19-22-07 33-28-46-11

Saturday, April 1st 2023, 6:02pm

Author: Alysanne

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - April draw

26-01-09-31 06-34-13-42 47-19-22-07 33-28-46-11

Sunday, February 26th 2023, 3:00pm

Author: Alysanne

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - March draw

26-01-09-31 06-34-13-42 47-19-22-07 33-28-46-11

Monday, January 16th 2023, 1:37pm

Author: Alysanne

[JANUARY] Welcome to LasWodas

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