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Monday, May 2nd 2022, 11:07am

Author: _bull_

March 2020 Update Bug Reports

k got it, thanks for the clearification. next time i'll not abandon the quest

Saturday, April 30th 2022, 12:01pm

Author: _bull_

March 2020 Update Bug Reports

this is the second part of the quest, the first part was completed with no issue in single fight

Wednesday, April 27th 2022, 8:00pm

Author: _bull_

Bug: Daily Shadow Quest bug

Hi i would like to report a bug regarding daily shadow quest. i have killed the shadow 2x after fights with monster not less than 1 lvl than me and yet still the quest is not completed. here are the screens shots for reference and because of size limitation i couldnt attach the full screens so here are the croped images only containg the essential information

Wednesday, April 27th 2022, 7:57pm

Author: _bull_

Bug: Daily Shadow Quest bug

Hi i would like to report a bug regarding daily shadow quest. i have killed the shadow 2x after fights with monster not less than 1 lvl than me and yet still the quest is not completed. here are the screens shots for reference and because of size limitation i couldnt attach the full screens so here are the croped images only containg the essential information

Monday, December 22nd 2014, 8:47am

Author: _bull_

Game Update Bug Report Thread

Quoted from "--- ACHILLES ---" disconnection from chat server is a constant problem, happens regularly also, I saw a post in russian while in talaars, after winning a fight.... with the #18, I just assumed this was the Warrior Vouchers, but after Talaars I look and I did not receive any Warrior Vouchers, even though i saw the chat update (it was working) during Talaars.…146859&finish=1 I know I should have won vouchers at least 3-4 times vouchers now dir...

Thursday, September 30th 2010, 6:30pm

Author: _bull_

Great Info And Guide Website Made By Our Mentors

Very nice website,it helped me alot Keep up the good work