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Tuesday, July 16th 2024, 5:15pm

Author: _Ophiuchus_

Dwarium - Your Feedback is required!

Will be awesome if we can hide the top bar when on full screen, also cannot manage bags, I cannot find an option for.

Friday, June 28th 2024, 3:32am

Author: _Ophiuchus_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - July draw

06-28-48-13 01-19-26-35 08-37-41-15 10-09-43-04

Friday, June 7th 2024, 7:27am

Author: _Ophiuchus_

Changing clan logo

Good morning!! I bought the certificate for changing the clan logo and I need to contact Game Administration, on MY.GAMES i did'nt found an option for this so I am asking for help here.. Please guide me, who or where should I contact for this matter, thank you!

Wednesday, June 5th 2024, 5:36pm

Author: _Ophiuchus_

Trials of the Chosen

Thank you for guidance ladies!!

Saturday, April 27th 2024, 5:05am

Author: _Ophiuchus_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May draw

08-28-46-13 05-29-23-37 33-35-41-18 11-22-04-44

Friday, March 1st 2024, 7:35pm

Author: _Ophiuchus_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - March draw

05-26-04-13 02-09-23-31 08-35-41-15 01-10-20-48

Thursday, January 18th 2024, 9:07am

Author: _Ophiuchus_

[JANUARY] Stage 2 - Welcome to LasWoDas!

Top Middle Bottom Middle Bottom Middle Top

Monday, December 25th 2023, 7:35am

Author: _Ophiuchus_


Quoted from "_Ophiuchus_" 1. Link to bridegroom: 2. Link to the bride: 3, If possibile we would like to be our consecrator 4. 28.12.2023 at 21:00 or anytime during this day.

Sunday, December 3rd 2023, 2:08pm

Author: _Ophiuchus_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - December draw

01-26-06-19 05-09-23-31 08-35-41-13 10-02-33-48

Monday, October 30th 2023, 11:04pm

Author: _Ophiuchus_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - November draw

01-19-28-29 06-09-26-37 08-12-13-47 05-11-34-48

Wednesday, September 27th 2023, 1:59pm

Author: _Ophiuchus_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October draw

01-06-13-19 26-34-37-48 28-29-11-05 15-20-25-40

Thursday, August 31st 2023, 7:10am

Author: _Ophiuchus_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September draw

06-26-04-13 01-09-23-31 08-37-41-19 12-07-29-10

Tuesday, July 11th 2023, 7:49am

Author: Mighty_Thunder

[JULY] Welcome to LasWodas!

Top Middle Bottom Bottom Middle Top

Wednesday, February 22nd 2023, 11:32pm

Author: Mr Thunder

Jester Event - Love breaks the Ice Stage 4

The cold wind did'nt stop, climbing became more difficult with each step and the snow covered the path leading to the cave of the Ice Trolls. My tiger stopped and sniffed intensely the thick and tangled forest, I was thnking of her, the chosen one of my heart.. '- if she will know how close I am maybe will give her more strength..resist my love, tonight I will save you!!' I did'nt accept any harmfull thoughts, hope and pure love gave me strentgh to continue...Suddenly my thoughts were interrupte...

Thursday, February 16th 2023, 12:31am

Author: Mr Thunder

Ice Stage 3

20230215_230133.jpg (3024×4032)

Thursday, February 9th 2023, 8:04pm

Author: Mr Thunder

Your task: Name 10 things from FAEO (with a link to the item) that should not be missing in your travel backpack and briefly explain why it is so important to have them with you. There are 2 bonus points each time you pack 2 specific things!

1= Great elixir of giant( always should be equiped in case of fighting) 2= Great elixir of life ( without it you may die fast in fight) 3=…ct_id=928649992 Sack of food (feed your mount while travelling oir fighting) 4=…ct_id=940529840 Fishing tool (proffesional tool) must be there always, never know whe...

Monday, October 3rd 2022, 3:02pm

Author: Mr Thunder

Human Attacks In Isles

Finally someone take atitude, thank you Mighty!!

Saturday, May 21st 2022, 12:56am

Author: Mr Thunder

Clan registration

Hello again, I posted last days a call for help regarding my application for a new clan, still no answer from anyone.., I start to wonder if is anyone there... I followed all the steps, registration forms, 13x13 picture, the only thing I can read on Clan Register is " your applicatian is being reviewed!" since days and nothing happen, suppose to have an answer within few days please advice me (inform me) what to do? becoming really frustrating this waiting time without an answer.., thank you..

Thursday, May 19th 2022, 11:57am

Author: Mr Thunder

Clan registration

Greetings!! I have done all the steps for Clan registration since last week, 13 x 13 px, Ancient Guards(name of the clan)...still no answer says that is being reviewed but nothing else.., is there anyone that can help me with this matter, please?