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Monday, March 11th 2024, 12:41am

Author: K ã t s ú k î


Ramadan mubarak

Saturday, March 9th 2024, 7:35pm

Author: K ã t s ú k î

Blessing lifetimes

Exactly... hundreds, for higher levels thousands of gold disappear... I am also not playing because of my curse mainly, which I could pay off and become free again. But then I have to buy battle elixirs, exp drain elixirs again, fill the 400g in the Trade Fair of Wonders, to be able to buy more elixirs, then when I stop playing for a few months, everything is gone. So why would we pay money in. In Germany we also say: "Sosis aus Flasche statt Köfte vom Grill".

Saturday, March 9th 2024, 7:23pm

Author: K ã t s ú k î

Magmaren-Gauner im Gewölbe

Ausgerechnet du bekommst nen Fluch wegen "abgesprochenen Schlachtfeldern"... Ironie des Schicksals

Tuesday, February 27th 2024, 8:09pm

Author: K ã t s ú k î



Tuesday, February 27th 2024, 8:02pm

Author: K ã t s ú k î



Tuesday, February 27th 2024, 7:58pm

Author: K ã t s ú k î

Creating new lots in auction

I totally disagree with that idea. Players should be encouraged to the sell their items for their real value. If there would be no tax, I could keep an item forever or even buy every single item of it's type and create a monopoly. Then, when I would list these items in auction for the same price for months, there would be no loss and at some point players would be forced to buy my items. You say, that people would put more items in auction and benefit the economy, but in reality the prices would...

Friday, June 30th 2023, 12:07am

Author: deku_742

Issue after Merge

Ja das frage ich mich auch und wann kommen unsere Clan Logos zurück

Thursday, June 29th 2023, 12:22pm

Author: deku_742


Die Antwort darauf erhöht die Anzahl meiner Beiträge noch einmal um 1 und erhöht die Differenz zwischen uns

Thursday, June 29th 2023, 11:01am

Author: deku_742


@Großer Magier Seit 28 Tagen im Spiel und mehr Beiträge als du

Thursday, June 29th 2023, 10:51am

Author: deku_742

Fellow Admins can you hear player problem?

They already told us in DE forum, that there will not be any changes regarding the spawn rates, number of resources, castle etc. I do not have the link, because I do not have access to the German forum anymore. The reason why there would be no changes was, that in RU server there are MUCH more players but even they do not more mobs or resources...