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Tuesday, April 9th 2024, 5:20pm

Author: Vermun_988

Magmar Mentor Apllication

Declined. Thank you for your application.

Tuesday, January 9th 2024, 10:26pm

Author: Vermun_988


1.Nick. Vermun_988 2. Around merge with PL server 3. 1 week after merge with PL server 4. When I was a mentor a few days after the merge, my head mentor told me when I asked him why I had lost the "M" that there was a case going for trading with my roommates, who also did play this game from their PC's. On PL, we checked a lot of times for the "legality" of our trades with admins and if there was no problem with it. I'm writing this letter with a request to remove this curse or just make it lowe...