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Sunday, November 3rd 2024, 6:31pm

Author: Positron


Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle

Thursday, October 31st 2024, 9:00pm

Author: Positron

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - November draw

08-43-48-19 24-04-06-11 25-13-26-38 01-34-32-17

Tuesday, October 29th 2024, 3:52pm

Author: Positron

[EVENTS] The Bracelet for the Friend [Faeo is 17 years old!]

Dikkat: Herhangi Kırmızı Hediye açtığınızda, rastgele legendary nesne (1 yıldız) elde etme şansınız var. Her hediye açışınızda bu şans artacaktır. With each opening, your chance to receive it increases. ÖNEMLİ: Yalnızca bir tanesini elde edebilirsiniz. Eğer daha fazla boncuk toplamak istemezseniz, Soygura/Ostap'a dönüp görevi durdurabilir, sonrasında fikriniz değişirse geri tekrar devam edebilirsiniz

Tuesday, October 29th 2024, 3:47pm

Author: Positron

[EVENTS] The Bracelet for the Friend [Faeo is 17 years old!]

Faeo'daki karakterlere bileklik hediye edin, ödülleri kapın (elde edeceğiniz ödüllerin seviyesi, karakterlere vereceğiniz bilekliğin rengine bağlıdır) Brugilda / Gredeya the Witch A friendly gift from a witch An extraordinary gift from a witch A Precious Gift from the Witch Soygura / Ostap A friendly gift from the master An extraordinary gift from the master A precious gift from the master Sheamus the Joker / Nadilarie A friendly gift from a joker An unusual gift from a joker A precious gift fro...

Tuesday, October 29th 2024, 3:44pm

Author: Positron

[EVENTS] The Bracelet for the Friend [Faeo is 17 years old!]

Görev Soygura (Fire Square) / Ostap (Daylight Square) karakterlerinden başlamaktadır. Your goal: Get the Token of Friendship Bracelet or the Unique Friendship Bracelet /b] and take it to Soygura / Ostap. The task "Made by hand" has started for you. Good luck! Received: [b]Sketch for Gift Bracelet 1 pc. Görevi teslim aldıktan sonra Bag of colored beads toplayarak ve içlerinden çıkan boncukları elde etmeniz gerekecek. Boncuk çantalarını aşağıdaki şekilde elde edebilirsiniz: Oyuna giriş - 1 pc. / g...

Saturday, October 19th 2024, 8:28pm

Author: Positron

AI Generated - Positron

The pumpkin king flies over the city of O'Delvays watching his pumpkin army destroy it. The dragon's scales shimmer in the moonlight, casting an eerie glow over the castle's walls. As the army spares no one, the air fills with the pumpkin spice latte smell, leaving a double roasted dead city behind.

Thursday, September 19th 2024, 12:50pm

Author: Positron

quest help, Feed Simon, Kolark series branch quest

Quoted from "hell995" What to do if a value from the 2nd step is above 104? Do i need to decline the Quest, or resetts it by itself? I´m asking because nothing happened since i stepped over the 104... Hi, try talking back to the herbologist or simon (try to feed him as well), one of them should have option to start over. If you don't see any option, decline the quest and start over.

Saturday, September 7th 2024, 7:22pm

Author: Positron

Series 2.1: The Mystery of the Fallen Star

The Mystery of the Fallen Star Availability: Level 5 Restrictions: No Restriction NPC: Ploughman Tadeuz in Sly Cove / Ikvan the Peasant in Windmills STEP 1: Talk to the farmers and learn their story. Your goal: Go to the sorcerer and show her Star Fragment. Go to Maritsa the Witch in Settlement Angrukhon / Bludiara the Fortuneteller in Thistle Brushwood Your goal: Visit all the inhabitants of the Mortal Meadows and ask them about the Star Shards. Important: At this stage, you will need to talk t...

Saturday, September 7th 2024, 1:40am

Author: Positron

[QUESTS] Korlak Questchain / Karlak Questline

SERIES 2 This series is available from level 5 and consists of small missions requiring you to travel around and fight. Quests: The Mystery of the Fallen StarIndestructible ArtifactWhen the Elements are PowerlessImprisoned in Stone

Wednesday, September 4th 2024, 2:58pm

Author: Positron

Series 1.3: Find and Destroy

Find and Destroy Availability: Level 5 Restrictions: Quests 1.1 & 1.2 NPC: Shiko the Paladin in Tomb of Kings / Royal Tomb STEP 1: Talk to Shiko Your goal: Go to the occultist and ask for help in your search Vampire Lord [7]. Go to Koeshu the Necromancer in Clan Burial Grounds / Necromancer in Vassals' Tombs Your goal: Go to the Derelict House and defeat the Lingraonts [5], get the Crystal Ball. It's possible King of the Undead [5] will be able to help you. A talk with the king will appear. At t...

Tuesday, September 3rd 2024, 7:07pm

Author: Positron

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September draw

08-43-48-19 24-04-06-11 25-13-26-38 01-34-32-17

Friday, August 16th 2024, 5:55pm

Author: Positron

Sorcere’s quest

Quoted from "_moska_" for the sorcerer's quest, after several attacks of purpul zigred with a colleague I did not receive the wings, whereas a few days before I was attacked and after my victory I had one. can you tell me what is happening, I would like to recover the two wings that I am missing to finish my quest Hi, I believe you are doing the sorcerer profession quest. Please check your backpack and see if you collected enough wings. Here is the guide of the quest:

Wednesday, July 31st 2024, 2:13pm

Author: Positron

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - August draw

08-43-48-19 24-04-06-11 25-13-26-38 01-34-32-17

Tuesday, July 30th 2024, 4:10pm

Author: Positron

Issue after Merge

Quoted from "Ayon_442" I just returned after a few years away from the game and noticed my name was changed from "Ayon" to "Ayon_442", seemingly in favor of an account with the name "Ayon" from the COM server that was abandoned right after it was created. I'm not sure if this is the right place for my issue but I hope this can be resolved. Hi, During the DE-COM server merge, those players whose names were not unique as a result of the merge were given a "New Name Certificate". If I remember cor...

Tuesday, July 2nd 2024, 7:07pm

Author: Positron

[EVENTS] Trials of the Chosen

Challenge: Rotten Gift Düşmanın küre bırakmasını bekleyin. Düşman sandığına Cunning Bomb bırakın (ekrandaki panelde yazısı olacak). Bombayı arenada 10 gümüş karşılığı mağazadan alabilirsniz. Arenayı kazanma zorunluluğu var. ______________________________________________________________________________ Challenge: Let Them Do Good Ergam tavern'danki Flynn's Shop'dan Catcher of Cursed Souls satın alın. Labirenti dolaşırken catcher'ı 3 defa 10 soul ile doldurun. Dövüşlerden sonra chatte yazısı çıkm...

Monday, June 24th 2024, 1:40pm

Author: Positron

Hafta 5

5. Hafta: Berry for Flavor Challenge Zigreds öldürüno ve 3 adet Honey milk elde edin. (%100 ihtimali yok). Meydandaki mağazadan şunları alın: Grapes 1 adet , Lump of Cheese 1 adet., Bread 1 adet Çantanızdaki milk'i kullanarak şunu elde edin: Something awful. Meydandaki mağazadan Creamy Experiment, satın alın ve 3 kişi üzerinde kullanın. ______________________________________________________________________________ Challenge: Between Us Witches City Fair - Exchange Tent - "Goods for signs" sekmes...

Thursday, June 20th 2024, 12:59am

Author: Positron

Hafta 4

4. Hafta Yapım Aşamasında Challenge: Counter Offer Amaç: Labirentte dolaşırken Raynar the Merchant ile konuşun. Sizden aşağıdaki nesnelerden birini satmanızı isteyecek Challenge: Conqueror of the Past Amaç: Battlefields of the Past dövüş alanlarında aşağıdaki setler ile savaşırken 5er düşmana karşı galip gelin, toplam 5x3=15. - Bonecrusher (kemikkıran) - Dodger (Manevra) - Heavyweight (ağırsiklet) Not: Archer set ile öldürdüğünüz rakipler rastgele bir sete sayılacaktır. Not: Seviye 5'e kadar ola...

Thursday, June 20th 2024, 12:44am

Author: Positron

[GUIDE] LABYRINTH EXPLORERS - Sıralı tam liste kılavuz

LABYRINTH EXPLORERS Merhabalar! Bu sayfa yapım aşamasındadır, Bu süre zarfında başlangıç görevinin yer aldığı detaylı kılavuzu okuyabilitsiniz:…5153#post335153

Monday, June 17th 2024, 7:28pm

Author: Positron

Hafta 3

3. Hafta Challenge: Darkness, the Hero’s Friend Amaç: Bright light efekti olmadan 5 kat tamamlayın. Bright light efekti ile canavarları temizleyebilirsiniz. Önemli olan efekt olmadan kat değiştirmek. Kattaki yaratıkları öldürdükten sonra efekti silip bir sonraki kata geçip sonra yeniden bir meşale yakarak efekti alıp o kattaki yaratıkları öldürebilirsiniz. Dikkat: Bir sonraki kata meşalesiz ilk geçişiniz 2 sayılmakta. Challenge: Looking the Gift Horse in the Mouth... Amaç: Kretch Lair'e girin ve...

Tuesday, June 11th 2024, 2:09pm

Author: Positron

[FOOTBALL EVENT] Matchday 1-5 Germany 2 : Scotland 0 Hungary 0 : Switzerland 1 Spain 1 : Croatia 0 Italy 2 : Albania 0 Poland 0 : Netherlands 1 Slovenia 0 : Denmark 1 Serbia 0 : England 2 Romania 0 : Ukraine 1 Belgium 1 : Slovakia 0 Austria 0 : France 2 Turkey 1 : Georgia 0 Portugal 1 : Czech Republic 0