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Monday, December 9th 2024, 12:43pm

Author: _haleluya_

Battle pass quests for 3-4lvl

Are you serious please tell me how players at level 3-4 can do these quests? Defeat the leader in the limbo of MystrasOpen the weekly chest in the Genie LandsJoin a Chaotic Battle

Tuesday, November 5th 2024, 6:23am

Author: _haleluya_


Middle Middle Middle Bottom Top Bottom Top

Monday, September 30th 2024, 5:01pm

Author: _haleluya_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - October draw

07-12-45-23 34-32-27-50 01-18-13-41 08-17-21-31

Sunday, September 8th 2024, 9:54am

Author: _haleluya_

Underground knights quests for lvl 3-5 (unreal)

It is very rare that there are enough players to participate in the crystal caves. Even during a “storm” it is not always possible to participate in this instance. How then to complete the quests to hand over crystals? There is an alternative for players of 11+ levels. But is it possible to make any alternative for players of levels 3-5? Otherwise, these several quests will need to be done over the course of years. I will be very grateful for your answer.

Wednesday, August 28th 2024, 10:44am

Author: _haleluya_

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September draw

12-42-38-32 49-34-28-23 04-35-14-26 32-27-15-41

Friday, August 23rd 2024, 5:37pm

Author: _haleluya_

Battle Pass: Season of the Alchemist's Secrets!

For example, I bought a diamond pass and reached level 10. If I buy another pass for gold, what will happen to my progress?