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Monday, February 1st 2021, 4:55am

Author: fairy_queen

diamond cert

been waiting to buy diamond certificates and never see it when will it come is the one thing i actually love buying

Wednesday, December 30th 2020, 5:46pm

Author: fairy_queen

[NUMBERS] Holiday draw - January

21-04-45-03 06-09-14-02 25-45-43-15 50-35-39-07

Tuesday, December 15th 2020, 1:47pm

Author: fairy_queen

food for thought

dear admits: im not try to be rude or anything i just want to say something like it is.... why is the game always lagging and i have a very fast internet... the game been lagging for over 24 hours straight i dont think is fair that us player pay for diamonds and you guys cant fix the lagg... and in top of that you want us to advertise a game that is giving problems and is not being fair on drops or when you opend chest the same ppl get the super prize.... i do love this game and i do have a you ...

Sunday, July 19th 2020, 1:41am

Author: fairy_queen

injust in the jail system

Quoted from "-Arkan-" are u drunk? NO IS THE TRUTH

Saturday, July 18th 2020, 11:35pm

Author: fairy_queen

injust in the jail system

i have notice the injust system that administration have this is suppose to be a game for fun and you (administration) got to be biest about it meaning no favorite but is not like that at all.. us magmars get jail for everything and when a human does it they dont get jail how is that fair.. why do they get the best prize in well event, chest event, and they always win the one arm bandit ect.. how is this game of luck when humans are always getting everything why cant they get the same punishment...

Sunday, July 30th 2017, 8:19pm

Author: fairy_queen

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery

3-9-45-100 6-35-47-99 1-5-8-48 26-54-62-80