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Thursday, September 5th 2024, 12:23pm

Author: abyss hunter

Derelict House

a guy woke up one day to fish since he was hungry, came across an empty house that looked big and had a evil vibe to it. he got curious and tried going inside and noticed that the door was closed, then he went home to get his weapon, when he was home he also thought about grabing his armor since a bad smell seemed to come off the house. once he was at the weird house again he slamed the door open and came inside, he heard a noise and thought it was a pig, something which he loved since you could...

Thursday, August 29th 2024, 7:01am

Author: abyss hunter

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - September draw

01-12-18-44 17-21-22-49 14-23-34-41 03-31-39-40