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Wednesday, April 28th 2021, 6:16pm

Author: The Arch Angel

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - May Draw

06-13-25-49 27-14-35-06 07-16-34-35 08-34-26-17

Monday, April 26th 2021, 1:40am

Author: The Arch Angel

Race Raids

Yeah it's such a concept to go to other race's land and attack people. Raiding them, making war and getting achievement for the other race's monsters and maps etc... Imagine you were FORBIDDEN in there. You were not able to do any action in a random land. Draconia does that to everyone. How curious is this, she attacks everyone and they die in 7-9 seconds. Nobody actually sees her attack? She can one-shot everyone below lv15, because nobody is able to react. Yes it's not illegal to attack someon...

Wednesday, March 31st 2021, 10:02pm

Author: The Arch Angel

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - APRIL Draw

17-23-11-08 09-36-14-25 12-35-49-26 31-24-15-06

Thursday, November 26th 2020, 11:02am

Author: The Arch Angel

[NUMBERS] Big Fat Monthly Lottery - DECEMBER Draw

09-15-43-26 49-06-17-28 39-02-14-27 01-12-23-34