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Guides (2)
Player-written guides.
----MP----, -Drako, Allekk, Bercouli, Ice Storm, MantaXI, Papageil, Ren271, -TeTris-, Armeygr, kaela, Mercedes, Pelotero, -Lilah-, Glint, Grey_Bearded, Myszkamała, newage, Phastos, --_Zerra_--, -angelVSdevil-, Briana, BullyMom, KaT_Rhino, Mella, Plueschdrache, Sherlook, Skyianer and 38 guests
By Grzybol (Today, 7:30pm)
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Mentor Advice (1)
For players who need the help of a Mentor on game-related issues.
Burning_Frog and 18 guests
By Le Soleil (Today, 1:50pm)
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City Pub (1)
For general game talk and discussion.
Aykutluk, -Khator-, -UltimaWeapon-, EchoHawk, EtaCarinaei, Guetrex, Harley Quinn_, Heksa_2, Krutka, Kypjak, Leras, LightinOut, Mercury, nakir, Nekores, PİTHANA, PongLenes, Ryśko, sara_conor, SohnOffDrachen, Solomons, titi11, Toge, Vardek_Crom, wik2, x Rorschach x, xX-C a B a-Xx, _knueppelheini_, _Kreacher__664, _Lathspell_ and 140 guests
By Ryśko (Today, 9:03pm)
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1657 users are browsing the forums
70 members (6 thereof are invisible) and 1587 guests - Record: 8,383 users (Tuesday, October 22nd 2024, 10:15am)
----MP----, --_Zerra_--, -angelVSdevil-, -Drako, -Khator-, -Lilah-, -TeTris-, -UltimaWeapon-, Allekk, Armeygr, Aykutluk, Bercouli, Briana, BullyMom, Burning_Frog, ChainOfHell7, Crown Clown, EchoHawk, EtaCarinaei, Glint, Grey_Bearded, Guetrex, Harley Quinn_, Heksa_2, Ice Storm, kaela, KaT_Rhino, Krutka, Kypjak, Le Soleil, Leras, LightinOut, MantaXI, Mella, Mercedes, Mercury, Myszkamała, nakir, Nekores, newage, Papageil, Pelotero, Phastos, PİTHANA, Plueschdrache, PongLenes, Ren271, Ryśko, sara_conor, Sherlook, Skyianer, SohnOffDrachen, Solomons, titi11, Toge, Vardek_Crom, vV_-DiaMonD-_Vv, wik2, x Rorschach x, xX-C a B a-Xx, _Hunterskull_, _knueppelheini_, _Kreacher__664, _Lathspell_
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