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  • "Justeen" started this thread

Posts: 136

Location: USA

Occupation: Jack of Most Trades

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Saturday, December 24th 2011, 6:02am

Achievements not earned...

if someone could check this please for me i would be thankful...i have bought both weapons and attire from the christmas fair and did not recieve the achievements "winter attire" and "ice arsenal". not sure if it was a glitch but have worked very hard to get holiday achievements and would appreciate any attention given to this...thank you very much! the weapons are nice :drink:


Sunday, December 25th 2011, 2:16am

same here, spent 85 magic snowflakes for winter attire and helmet achievements and didn't receive achievements


Sunday, December 25th 2011, 2:17am

oops, winter attire and ice weapon*


Wednesday, December 28th 2011, 11:47am

The Christmas Fair did not give out achievements.