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injust in the jail system
i have notice the injust system that administration have this is suppose to be a game for fun and you (administration) got to be biest about it meaning no favorite but is not like that at all.. us magmars get jail for everything and when a human does it they dont get jail how is that fair.. why do they get the best prize in well event, chest event, and they always win the one arm bandit ect.. how is this game of luck when humans are always getting everything why cant they get the same punishment as the magmars.. make the game fair not one side.. do you want ppl to pay pal more there are ways to do it.. be smart .. play fair.. make the game about luck not about favorite... food for thought...
are u drunk?
I mean, I get your point but... maybe do it without using comic sans?
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
are u drunk?
i have notice the injust system that administration have this is suppose to be a game for fun and you (administration) got to be biest about it meaning no favorite but is not like that at all.. us magmars get jail for everything and when a human does it they dont get jail how is that fair.. why do they get the best prize in well event, chest event, and they always win the one arm bandit ect.. how is this game of luck when humans are always getting everything why cant they get the same punishment as the magmars.. make the game fair not one side.. do you want ppl to pay pal more there are ways to do it.. be smart .. play fair.. make the game about luck not about favorite... food for thought...
It been this way way too long

Admin really need to look at this one side game a little bit better and start making it fair for both sides.
Matt F. aka Lord_Matt.
why do they get the best prize in well event, chest event, and they always win the one arm bandit ect..
Maybe humans get more luck from these events.... because our side is more popular?
Thats really the most entertaining post ever
spends all gold on events and then cries that gets nothing,probably think if he spends 100g and 20lvl spend 1000g they should get the same prize haha
I don't have no fear of death. My only fear is coming back reincarnated.
RE: injust in the jail system
i have notice the injust system that administration have this is suppose to be a game for fun and you (administration) got to be biest about it meaning no favorite but is not like that at all.. us magmars get jail for everything and when a human does it they dont get jail how is that fair.. why do they get the best prize in well event, chest event, and they always win the one arm bandit ect.. how is this game of luck when humans are always getting everything why cant they get the same punishment as the magmars.. make the game fair not one side.. do you want ppl to pay pal more there are ways to do it.. be smart .. play fair.. make the game about luck not about favorite... food for thought...
Are you crazy - You have one mag Ikkie1990 spend so much and get so many prizes his side while we get hardly anything!
ranting wont make u win either