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Broken stuff [Post HERE!]
Dear Players,
We already have a thread for untranslated Russian text you may encounter and a thread for library articles that need to be updated. However, there are still many things that may be incorrect/incomplete out there which don't fall under any of the above mentioned threads, for example, misspelled words, incorrect or missing information in descriptions or names of items.
This is why this thread has been created. Should you encounter any mistakes, please submit them in a comment under this thread and we will do our best to fix them.
Your comment should include:
We already have a thread for untranslated Russian text you may encounter and a thread for library articles that need to be updated. However, there are still many things that may be incorrect/incomplete out there which don't fall under any of the above mentioned threads, for example, misspelled words, incorrect or missing information in descriptions or names of items.
This is why this thread has been created. Should you encounter any mistakes, please submit them in a comment under this thread and we will do our best to fix them.
Your comment should include:
- Title of the quest/item name/etc. together with the relevant links and/or screenshots
- A description of the error
This post has been edited 5 times, last edit by "-Sana-" (Nov 28th 2024, 2:36pm)
cant complete quest
secrets of the past and future…&threadID=35633
i did the quest scattered necklace and have luan ammy no use cant hand in quest…&threadID=35633
i did the quest scattered necklace and have luan ammy no use cant hand in quest
Dusk Luck
item info: ' ... the likelihood of successful collection and receipt of additional resources is reduced ... ' - cannot even pick resource with this debuff on
item info: ' ... the likelihood of successful collection and receipt of additional resources is reduced ... ' - cannot even pick resource with this debuff on

please use Font size at least 10 for better forum reading
There's a new bug. The game gets delayed on almost everything we want to use/sell on auction/exchange. About 10 minutes ago, I tried selling something on the exchange (centridos, to be specific), I'm clicking on the sell button but it doesn't do anything, no message in chat that states I sold something or earned anything, no change in my money, nothing. I refresh and everything is done, got my money, sold my item and the exchange app is gone.
But I'm not done yet. There's also something wrong with the teleport amulets & scrolls (I'd say with everything that's clickable but it doesn't apply to resources on hunt screen), it doesn't work, there's a huge delay in that. I click maybe 5-6 times and just wait, 10 sec later I'm magically teleported to where I want to be.
Please fix the issue.
But I'm not done yet. There's also something wrong with the teleport amulets & scrolls (I'd say with everything that's clickable but it doesn't apply to resources on hunt screen), it doesn't work, there's a huge delay in that. I click maybe 5-6 times and just wait, 10 sec later I'm magically teleported to where I want to be.
Please fix the issue.
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.
Stone of Revelation Quest
I need to report an issue regarding the completion of 2nd Stone of Revelation quest, I believe that the scroll to teleport in human land was not given to me by the Elder and I tried so many times to enter human land but always failed to submit my quest, without this quest I'm totally stuck with my city reputation and can't continue with the Ultimate Gambit quest. Can anyone do something about this? Very much appreciated.
I need to report an issue regarding the completion of 2nd Stone of Revelation quest, I believe that the scroll to teleport in human land was not given to me by the Elder and I tried so many times to enter human land but always failed to submit my quest, without this quest I'm totally stuck with my city reputation and can't continue with the Ultimate Gambit quest. Can anyone do something about this? Very much appreciated.
Wasted Absolute Experience Drain Elixir, Elixir of Rock skin and Vertsida
Dear All,
I know no one will give attention to this but I want to let you know that I totally wasted my time and I wasted 9g for the Absolute Experience Drain Elixir (9g), Premium Elixir of Rock Skin and Vertsida's fury because of a very strong lag that it won't let me hit and taking very long time to load the page and each time i'm hitting it totally stopped. I need my resources back to me.
I don't care if you all take my loot from the time I started hunting with these effect today. I need my money and elixirs back!!!
I know no one will give attention to this but I want to let you know that I totally wasted my time and I wasted 9g for the Absolute Experience Drain Elixir (9g), Premium Elixir of Rock Skin and Vertsida's fury because of a very strong lag that it won't let me hit and taking very long time to load the page and each time i'm hitting it totally stopped. I need my resources back to me.
I don't care if you all take my loot from the time I started hunting with these effect today. I need my money and elixirs back!!!

Today I hunted nearly 170-180 Grim Gargoyles with these effects:
Nightmare Lord Gift
Dawn Luck
Evil eye pot
Pot of gold
Blessing of the warlord
Rainbow Power
October gift
Anniversary rock skin
Meat soup
Thirteen-fold strength
Gift of insight
And 0 eyes. And I talked to my friends, they reported that they were in the same situation aswell(0 or 1 eye).
It is a strong probability that there is a problem related with anniversary effects and eye drops.
Please investigate this issue.
Nightmare Lord Gift
Dawn Luck
Evil eye pot
Pot of gold
Blessing of the warlord
Rainbow Power
October gift
Anniversary rock skin
Meat soup
Thirteen-fold strength
Gift of insight
And 0 eyes. And I talked to my friends, they reported that they were in the same situation aswell(0 or 1 eye).
It is a strong probability that there is a problem related with anniversary effects and eye drops.
Please investigate this issue.
They said that this is very rare, but this can happen.Today I hunted nearly 170-180 Grim Gargoyles with these effects:
Nightmare Lord Gift
Dawn Luck
Evil eye pot
Pot of gold
Blessing of the warlord
Rainbow Power
October gift
Anniversary rock skin
Meat soup
Thirteen-fold strength
Gift of insight
And 0 eyes. And I talked to my friends, they reported that they were in the same situation aswell(0 or 1 eye).
It is a strong probability that there is a problem related with anniversary effects and eye drops.
Please investigate this issue.

this buff is broken
they get it every time im 1v8 and the more join the stronger they get yet the text states it should be applied if they are outnumbered.
they get it every time im 1v8 and the more join the stronger they get yet the text states it should be applied if they are outnumbered.
Ice Ointment
THese items comes in battle effect but they should be in Temporary effects
THese items comes in battle effect but they should be in Temporary effects
Unable to fight
Ever since the update, I have been unable to hunt. Everytime I try to start a fight I get a message "Unable to initiate fight." I have cleared my cache and restarted client several times and it continues to do this. The response time is also very slow. I will click on a location to move and it takes sometimes 30 seconds before it makes the move.
both of these should be ebony not mahogany