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[AUGUST EVENT] Come alive ...! Stage 2

Are you up for a new challenge?

Your tasks:
2.1: What items do you bring and where do you get them? Please remember that you have to get two kinds of food for each of the animal types listed below, for the big ones and for the small ones! Maybe the animals will drink something else?
- something to replenish the drinking supplies
- food for the predators
- food for the aquatic animals
- food for the herbivores
- food for the circus performers
You can write your suggestions or show pictures with a written explanation of why you chose them!
2.2: Create and describe the character that will take the injured performers place, what he or she will perform and which costume will be worn. You can describe the costume or show it with a picture.
Please post everything (Stage 2.1 and 2.2) in one post.
Please note: If you do not participate in the first phase of the event, you cannot participate in either of the other two phases.
Here is a little guide on how to post images in forum.
More information to terms and conditions, event schedule as well as rewards here.
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Liusaidh" (Aug 23rd 2021, 11:16am)
stage 2.1- something to replenish drinking supplies
To drink I bring from the rivers of the ancient mountains the best water in the world faeo and the best Shiz beer in the world rich in minerals and energy for the most active.
- Food for predators For carnivores I offer the best fresh meat from faeo comes from fort dybrach with its fresh meat of 1 quality deer, venison, antelope and the most varied selection of meats.
- food for aquatic animals for aquatic animals we have the best plankton the best algae brought from the bay of silence and the best fresh sardines from the pier of terror all fresh fresh
- food for herbivores
for herbivorous animals I bring exclusively plants, grasses, herbs and vegetables brought from the vast edera forest where fresh grass grows without equal
- food for the circus performers
And the best reserved for the artists and circus workers I bring you from the Givens tavern an incredible menu of first blue crab meat
second Quiche with cheese and dessert Ripe fruit with honey
to the delight of your senses, good luck
As a replacement for the wounded artist I offer you the Patatync tiger tamer magician who will delight the general public with his magic makes the tigers dance, sing and jump, you cannot miss it
To drink I bring from the rivers of the ancient mountains the best water in the world faeo and the best Shiz beer in the world rich in minerals and energy for the most active.
- Food for predators For carnivores I offer the best fresh meat from faeo comes from fort dybrach with its fresh meat of 1 quality deer, venison, antelope and the most varied selection of meats.
- food for aquatic animals for aquatic animals we have the best plankton the best algae brought from the bay of silence and the best fresh sardines from the pier of terror all fresh fresh
- food for herbivores
for herbivorous animals I bring exclusively plants, grasses, herbs and vegetables brought from the vast edera forest where fresh grass grows without equal
- food for the circus performers
And the best reserved for the artists and circus workers I bring you from the Givens tavern an incredible menu of first blue crab meat
second Quiche with cheese and dessert Ripe fruit with honey
to the delight of your senses, good luck
As a replacement for the wounded artist I offer you the Patatync tiger tamer magician who will delight the general public with his magic makes the tigers dance, sing and jump, you cannot miss it

Stage 2.1-2,2
Unfortunately, I saw how the professional of the circus got injured but I have a great friend that could be curious for all of the countries and is because he has two heads! a particular language and a particular love dietary and not I am not talking about you while u start hunting is not more than Gizedor! yes! his particular color and aspect give a spectacular show! and that is not, he has the capacity to drink at the same time he is reciting the alphabet
he will come painted green and with a funny hat!
- something to replenish the drinking supplies
- food for the predators
- food for the aquatic animals
- food for the herbivores
- food for the circus performers
Well, I gonna say that for drinking I gonna ask for the help of the owner of the best tavern of Faeo so I request a lot of the best shiz beer I hear that all of the team of the jesters' heralds and guards will be stay there! so we need a lot!
For the big predators we have Edible Crayfish 

and a Blue Puffer that all we know as Doris

For herbivores animals, we have the Thistle that you know that our animals can eat up to 5k each day!
and the famous belladonna 

For herbivores animals, we have the Thistle that you know that our animals can eat up to 5k each day!

Also while you as visitator of the forum I leave you this hotdog and pretzel to eat while you waching this post.
Unfortunately, I saw how the professional of the circus got injured but I have a great friend that could be curious for all of the countries and is because he has two heads! a particular language and a particular love dietary and not I am not talking about you while u start hunting is not more than Gizedor! yes! his particular color and aspect give a spectacular show! and that is not, he has the capacity to drink at the same time he is reciting the alphabet

- something to replenish the drinking supplies
for the circus animals we have a magnificent fresh water well in the Village of Zviglod
the rest of the inhabitants will enjoy a refreshing Shiz Beer that we can find in the tavern of the port
- food for the predators
for predators we have fresh meat from chickens and pigs that we will find on a farm in the Gorge of Chernag
- food for the aquatic animals
for our aquatic animals we will find rich Weetsa the Woodlouse that we will find in different shady hiding places and some delicious Zik Firefly that we can find on an old bridge in Barrow of Death
- food for the herbivores
Our territory is full of tender herbs such as thistles that are in abundance, but we have some of which we are interested in quickly getting rid of the damn Necrasphodel, and that once plucked they stop being dangerous, these can be found in Village Angriyar
- food for the circus performers
for the long-suffering circus performers we found a modest but delicious meal, some Turkey Legs and a golden, crispy Bread
who better than a warrior hardened in a thousand battles, to understand wounds and how to heal them ... we propose Saysha the Warrior, she would wear a beautiful celtic druid tunic
- something to replenish the drinking supplies
for the circus animals we have a magnificent fresh water well in the Village of Zviglod
the rest of the inhabitants will enjoy a refreshing Shiz Beer that we can find in the tavern of the port
- food for the predators
for predators we have fresh meat from chickens and pigs that we will find on a farm in the Gorge of Chernag
- food for the aquatic animals
for our aquatic animals we will find rich Weetsa the Woodlouse that we will find in different shady hiding places and some delicious Zik Firefly that we can find on an old bridge in Barrow of Death
- food for the herbivores
Our territory is full of tender herbs such as thistles that are in abundance, but we have some of which we are interested in quickly getting rid of the damn Necrasphodel, and that once plucked they stop being dangerous, these can be found in Village Angriyar
- food for the circus performers
for the long-suffering circus performers we found a modest but delicious meal, some Turkey Legs and a golden, crispy Bread
who better than a warrior hardened in a thousand battles, to understand wounds and how to heal them ... we propose Saysha the Warrior, she would wear a beautiful celtic druid tunic
- something to replenish the drinking supplies
Crystal clear and refreshing water from our local springs will soothe the thirst of the most demanding creatures, but our guests can also taste local wines in iur Tavern. These drinks are appreciated in the best homes of Ogriy and Khair for its truly magical properties.
- food for the predators
Small predator can eat swamp toads
and spiders
Larger of them will have an abundance of pork available in paradise corner
- food for the aquatic animals
We have plenty of food perfect for water animals. One of our delicacies is lenuya
second are river weeds
- food for the herbivores
Feo has great fields full of hay so no herbivore will run out of food
- food for the circus performers
Delicious snacks will be waiting for the performers.
and also hot like kebabs
I also found a great replacement for an injured performer. Our shy Amelia decided to show her dancing talent and perform modern dance. Dressed up as a clown girl will provide us with an unforgettable experience
- something to replenish the drinking supplies
Crystal clear and refreshing water from our local springs will soothe the thirst of the most demanding creatures, but our guests can also taste local wines in iur Tavern. These drinks are appreciated in the best homes of Ogriy and Khair for its truly magical properties.

- food for the predators
Small predator can eat swamp toads

and spiders

Larger of them will have an abundance of pork available in paradise corner

- food for the aquatic animals
We have plenty of food perfect for water animals. One of our delicacies is lenuya

second are river weeds

- food for the herbivores
Feo has great fields full of hay so no herbivore will run out of food

- food for the circus performers
Delicious snacks will be waiting for the performers.

and also hot like kebabs

I also found a great replacement for an injured performer. Our shy Amelia decided to show her dancing talent and perform modern dance. Dressed up as a clown girl will provide us with an unforgettable experience

Come alive ... Stage 2
Stage 2.1
Stage 2.1
As it is possible that we did not have all these details, well it is not a problem, as we are in the square we will take Verkiry's car and with the help of our war fox we will go to Givens' tavern, which will supply us with wine

in large barrels so that it is not missing. In addition, Carouser, thanks to a night shared with him in which we both ended up quite damaged, told me that he had a contact to get mead (which is of doubtful origin
), with this solved the issue of drinks.
So that the animals can eat well, and since our car is very, very large and our talent as undeniable hunters

, with our bow we can hunt some durchards, bats, kretas and other fauna of Faeo.
And since the circus has many types of herbivorous animals and we do not know what they like, we will collect
with the sickle all kinds of plants such as clovers, mandrakes, thistles or belladonna.
For the aquatic we have Lenuya and river weeds, although on second thought we will also fish some salmon in case more than one does not like grass and prefers meat.
Now we just have to have our protagonists have a full belly and for that we are going to prepare a menu based on cheese broth, jogoso roc kebab and Strawberries and Cream for dessert.
Stage 2.2
Our friend the artist had a bad leg, we wish him a speedy recovery, but since our help is needed, I suggest that Maritsa the Witch replace him, who could be dressed as… ..ummmm

- something to replenish the drinking supplies
Circus animals need to always have access to fresh, clean water to stay hydrated. Any other kind of energy drink or soft drink could cause serious damage to their health, even put their life in danger! This is why it is essential that all small or large animals that are drink only and exclusively fresh and clean water.
- food for the predators
small predators
turkey leg
large predators
- food for the aquatic animals
small aquatic animals
large aquatic animals
cooked fish
- food for the herbivores
small herbivores
large herbivores
- food for the circus performers
they have no particular food restrictions so between a show and a break both the little ones and the big circus performers can delight in Mary's tavern with these fantastic delicacies:
chocolate Pancake
Maria from the tavern will take care of procuring all the ingredients to facilitate all the circus workers
The same Mary from the tavern offered to replace the injured circus performer becoming the new Cannon Woman given her enormous size and for the occasion with great happiness she will be launched from the cannon by her bouncer.
- something to replenish the drinking supplies
Circus animals need to always have access to fresh, clean water to stay hydrated. Any other kind of energy drink or soft drink could cause serious damage to their health, even put their life in danger! This is why it is essential that all small or large animals that are drink only and exclusively fresh and clean water.
- food for the predators
small predators

large predators

- food for the aquatic animals
small aquatic animals

large aquatic animals

- food for the herbivores
small herbivores

large herbivores

- food for the circus performers
they have no particular food restrictions so between a show and a break both the little ones and the big circus performers can delight in Mary's tavern with these fantastic delicacies:

chocolate Pancake
Maria from the tavern will take care of procuring all the ingredients to facilitate all the circus workers
The same Mary from the tavern offered to replace the injured circus performer becoming the new Cannon Woman given her enormous size and for the occasion with great happiness she will be launched from the cannon by her bouncer.

2.1: After long searches of the warrior in FAEO Map, he managed to find the following:
For something to replenish the drinking supplies, the best choice is definitely Celebration Punch
because we all know how good it is when you drink it. We can get it easily from different chests purchased. The second choice will be definitely Great Elixir of Life
because it is used by everyone nowadays proves to be very good and we can get it very easily from several sources, such as the dartong store.
For big predators, I think a portion of gammon will be very nice
and for small predators Turkey Leg
will be definetly tasty, because both supplements can be purchased from various stores in the FAEO Map at a fairly cheap price accesible to anyone.
After long searches, the best food for a small aquatic animals is some bread (what fish doesnt like bread?)
which can be bought from the same store as the above products or you can prepare it yourself if you have the necessary ingredients and for the big ones (like sharks or something), we have here some fresh fish
which can be obtained if you take a fishing rod and approach the County Vurdaliya or the simpler option, we turn to a fisherman and in the shortest time we have as many as we want.
For the big herbivores I would suggest Mistletoes
because it is very common in Faeo Map and I think almost all warriors have something like that in their backpacks. For small herbivores, I suggest something smaller and more consumable like Collected Clover
which can be obtained by cutting the plants and drying them
And let's not forget the circus performers. They need a light meal to keep all the stunts safe. For this reason I chose some fruits, like this Pear
and for those circus performers who dont have to spend too much physical effort, we have a great one Meat Pie
which can both be bought from the store.
2.2: When I heard that the acrobats were injured, I immediately thought of Orfin because I know that his Crion Zorb works wonders. Recently I saw when his Crion Zorb was playing with a ball and amazed the magmars who passing through Mentaliya Foothils.
Also, after havind some discussions with Orfin, I understood that he also does very well in acrobatics with his Crion Zorb. I told him what happened to the circus that had just arrived in FAEO Map and I suggested if he could help us.
He didn't event think about it too long, we went to City Fair together and he bought his new costume that the public will surely like.
For something to replenish the drinking supplies, the best choice is definitely Celebration Punch

For big predators, I think a portion of gammon will be very nice

After long searches, the best food for a small aquatic animals is some bread (what fish doesnt like bread?)

For the big herbivores I would suggest Mistletoes

And let's not forget the circus performers. They need a light meal to keep all the stunts safe. For this reason I chose some fruits, like this Pear

2.2: When I heard that the acrobats were injured, I immediately thought of Orfin because I know that his Crion Zorb works wonders. Recently I saw when his Crion Zorb was playing with a ball and amazed the magmars who passing through Mentaliya Foothils.
Also, after havind some discussions with Orfin, I understood that he also does very well in acrobatics with his Crion Zorb. I told him what happened to the circus that had just arrived in FAEO Map and I suggested if he could help us.
He didn't event think about it too long, we went to City Fair together and he bought his new costume that the public will surely like.

Stage 2.1
- Something to replenish the drinking supplies.
To replenish the drinking supplies nothing is better than the flasks full of water taken by the sweet river of Mentalyia Foothils, one of the two location I choosed for the Circus, so it will be also easy to take. Fresh water is the best against the hot climate for both animals and passengers!
- Food for the predators.
Small predators can be feed with Tubemakers: Zombie’s hunters made a good stock of them after their hunt and they agree to give them as food for this creatures.
For the big predators there are Baby atshi taken from the Bat’s Den after fighting against some Female Atshi Bats.
- Food for the aquatic animals.
For the small acquatic creatures Faeo can offer huge quantity of Midges, that appears near the river of Zviglod Grove.
Vylis the Fisherman for the occasion will donate to the Circus his catch of Crystal Sturgeon, taken in the river of Mentalyia Foothils: they are the perfect food for the big predators.
- Food for the herbivores
Small and big herbivores can eat the sweets Liciousberries, obtained from the activity of the best herbologists of Faeo and a lot of Iris from Grotto Maettro.
- Food for the circus performers
Cloister of Virtue is not indifferent to the great event that is about to arrive! Norak the Virtuos will provide to the circus performers all kind of Soup he’s got in the sanctuary: they can choose between vegetable, fish and meat soup and there’s nothing better after a long travel, they have to be ready and fit for the event.
Stage 2.2
As replacement for the injured performer i suggest Smurri the Dwarf. He is a merry fellow and a practical joker, he is a bit of a show-off, but where he goes the laughter follows: he will be happy to entertain the audience with one of his best shows: “Smurri the ventrilochus”. The Dwarf and his puppet will wear an ancient traditional costume with a colorful hat and a long coat and they will talk about the funniest events in Faeo. Laughter will not fail!
- Something to replenish the drinking supplies.
To replenish the drinking supplies nothing is better than the flasks full of water taken by the sweet river of Mentalyia Foothils, one of the two location I choosed for the Circus, so it will be also easy to take. Fresh water is the best against the hot climate for both animals and passengers!
- Food for the predators.
Small predators can be feed with Tubemakers: Zombie’s hunters made a good stock of them after their hunt and they agree to give them as food for this creatures.
For the big predators there are Baby atshi taken from the Bat’s Den after fighting against some Female Atshi Bats.
- Food for the aquatic animals.
For the small acquatic creatures Faeo can offer huge quantity of Midges, that appears near the river of Zviglod Grove.
Vylis the Fisherman for the occasion will donate to the Circus his catch of Crystal Sturgeon, taken in the river of Mentalyia Foothils: they are the perfect food for the big predators.
- Food for the herbivores
Small and big herbivores can eat the sweets Liciousberries, obtained from the activity of the best herbologists of Faeo and a lot of Iris from Grotto Maettro.
- Food for the circus performers
Cloister of Virtue is not indifferent to the great event that is about to arrive! Norak the Virtuos will provide to the circus performers all kind of Soup he’s got in the sanctuary: they can choose between vegetable, fish and meat soup and there’s nothing better after a long travel, they have to be ready and fit for the event.
Stage 2.2
As replacement for the injured performer i suggest Smurri the Dwarf. He is a merry fellow and a practical joker, he is a bit of a show-off, but where he goes the laughter follows: he will be happy to entertain the audience with one of his best shows: “Smurri the ventrilochus”. The Dwarf and his puppet will wear an ancient traditional costume with a colorful hat and a long coat and they will talk about the funniest events in Faeo. Laughter will not fail!
Stage 2
Stage 2.1
Something to replenish the drinking supplies.
I suggest Energy liqueurs, any type : they will be useful to restore energies.
For Animals instead it should be good prepare a drink with water, honey (taken from pieces of wax collected in Harcide’s hive) and extract of milfoil to restore their energies.
Food for the predators.
Big predators can be feed with imprisoned kretches, small predators prefere Bluecraw.
Food for the aquatic animals.
Small creatures eat moss: they also like to hide inside them.
Big acquatic animals have at their disposal all fishes Kato taken from the ships in Gloomy Depths.
Food for the herbivores
Big herbivores love Hosta, collected in Eclipse Thicket, and small herbivores instead are crazy for the herb of Zviglod Grove: it is very good and soft during all the year.
Food for the circus performers
Performers can eat pieces of meat pie, lump of cheese and other cool meals which can be found in Dartrong center in huge quantity for all of them.
Stage 2.2
Galash the Merchant offered himself as a volunteer to replace the injured performer place: he’s preparing a very nice show with his talking parrot, wearing an unusual dress with a large beak to look like her little bird and he’s ready to make the whole audience die with laughter!
Something to replenish the drinking supplies.
I suggest Energy liqueurs, any type : they will be useful to restore energies.
For Animals instead it should be good prepare a drink with water, honey (taken from pieces of wax collected in Harcide’s hive) and extract of milfoil to restore their energies.
Food for the predators.
Big predators can be feed with imprisoned kretches, small predators prefere Bluecraw.
Food for the aquatic animals.
Small creatures eat moss: they also like to hide inside them.
Big acquatic animals have at their disposal all fishes Kato taken from the ships in Gloomy Depths.
Food for the herbivores
Big herbivores love Hosta, collected in Eclipse Thicket, and small herbivores instead are crazy for the herb of Zviglod Grove: it is very good and soft during all the year.
Food for the circus performers
Performers can eat pieces of meat pie, lump of cheese and other cool meals which can be found in Dartrong center in huge quantity for all of them.
Stage 2.2
Galash the Merchant offered himself as a volunteer to replace the injured performer place: he’s preparing a very nice show with his talking parrot, wearing an unusual dress with a large beak to look like her little bird and he’s ready to make the whole audience die with laughter!
Stage 2.1
I'm busy all day getting things for the circus. At Schmied I order buckets so that I can store the water there for the food of the water dwellers and a large pool to always have fresh water ready.
Then I hire a couple of hunters to get me meat, they hunt me Serpagon meat and a couple of pork ham. Then I ask a couple of fishermen to get food for the water dwellers, they come with some corals and lenuiya. And my journey continues towards the city, there I get the food for the circus people and herbivores, such as boxes full of grapes, several loaves of cheese, fresh ham and bread. For the herbivores, I get hay and meadow packed in sacks, then I go straight to Mary's tavern to get the beer and hot chocolate, there I also get barrels full of leaky beer and boxes full of hot chocolate. Then I ask for some strong people who could help me to transport and set up everything. On the other hand, I also get tables and benches there. In town I load everything onto the cart that I got from Mary and transport everything to the place where the circus has already set up its tent. And after all, everything should be fresh for the circus. If food is scarce, the circus people can get goods and potions from the castle.

Stage 2.2
As a replacement for the injured artist, I ask Necromant because I know that he has special skills. He immediately accepted because he wanted to prove what a great magician he is and as it should be, the appearance of Necromant was something special. He wanted a big pool and I wonder about this. The show started on the night of Faeo, suddenly fog came up and lightning strikes nearby. Necromant cast spells out loud and suddenly the dead girl appeared. Everyone was enthusiastic about this show.

Come Alive...Stage 2
-Something to replenish the drinking supplies.
For animals and passengers the water will come from the Ice
We will bring the water in barrels directly from the springs of
Iceberg Wharl’s location.
In this way this uncontaminated water will remain
fresh for days.
For the most demanding passengers with the Tea Yellowblade plant ( ) we can prepare delicious tea cups to serve hot or cold!!!
-Food for the predators.
To the small predators we can offer Habus Caviar ( ) taken from the fishing of the
Golden Habus; in alternative these small predators can also feed with beef
beetles ( ) that the geologists have found during their work.
Both these foods are
high in proteins and they will give these little creatures the right energies.
For the big predators I suggest the Hytsenella Flowers ( ) (their Hypnotic properties will make it easier to tame them) or Ashen Spider
Eggs ( ) taken directly from the Spider Patriarch’s nest in Smoky Knolls.
-Food for the aquatic animals.
For the small aquatic animals nothing is better than Corals (…artikul_id=5102 ) or Mermaid's Delight Seaweeds ( ) gathered in the underwater world.
For the big aquatic animals we have two options: Crooked
Gasconti ( ) , this plant can be found in otherworld valleys and at the bottom of
their waterways or we can grow it in the clan citadel greenhouse; and the
second choice falls on our great variety of fish sold by our fishermen
including the Crimson Sterlet ( ) high of Omega3.
-Food for the herbivores.
To the small herbivores we can offer Glimmering Berries ( ) that
grow in the greenhouse of the clan citadel (their pleasant sourish taste make
them crazy).
Big herbivores instead will eat Chunky Maskabar ( ) or Juicy
Agvarakus ( ) grown in the greenhouse of the clan citadel.
-Food for circus performers.
With Elt Cube and various ingredients we can serve to the
circus performers a lot of delicious meals: Roast Meat ( ), Fish Rice ( ) and for
vegetarians Cheesy Soup ( ).
To replace the injured performer there will be Queen Andorvane and and her loyalist custodian in a show of throwing knives: she will rely totally on the accuracy of her friend who will throw the knives touching the skin of the Queen without ever injuring her.
This performance full of suspense will give to the spectators a unique experience.
-Something to replenish the drinking supplies.
For animals and passengers the water will come from the Ice
We will bring the water in barrels directly from the springs of
Iceberg Wharl’s location.
In this way this uncontaminated water will remain
fresh for days.
For the most demanding passengers with the Tea Yellowblade plant ( ) we can prepare delicious tea cups to serve hot or cold!!!
-Food for the predators.
To the small predators we can offer Habus Caviar ( ) taken from the fishing of the
Golden Habus; in alternative these small predators can also feed with beef
beetles ( ) that the geologists have found during their work.
Both these foods are
high in proteins and they will give these little creatures the right energies.
For the big predators I suggest the Hytsenella Flowers ( ) (their Hypnotic properties will make it easier to tame them) or Ashen Spider
Eggs ( ) taken directly from the Spider Patriarch’s nest in Smoky Knolls.
-Food for the aquatic animals.
For the small aquatic animals nothing is better than Corals (…artikul_id=5102 ) or Mermaid's Delight Seaweeds ( ) gathered in the underwater world.
For the big aquatic animals we have two options: Crooked
Gasconti ( ) , this plant can be found in otherworld valleys and at the bottom of
their waterways or we can grow it in the clan citadel greenhouse; and the
second choice falls on our great variety of fish sold by our fishermen
including the Crimson Sterlet ( ) high of Omega3.
-Food for the herbivores.
To the small herbivores we can offer Glimmering Berries ( ) that
grow in the greenhouse of the clan citadel (their pleasant sourish taste make
them crazy).
Big herbivores instead will eat Chunky Maskabar ( ) or Juicy
Agvarakus ( ) grown in the greenhouse of the clan citadel.
-Food for circus performers.
With Elt Cube and various ingredients we can serve to the
circus performers a lot of delicious meals: Roast Meat ( ), Fish Rice ( ) and for
vegetarians Cheesy Soup ( ).
To replace the injured performer there will be Queen Andorvane and and her loyalist custodian in a show of throwing knives: she will rely totally on the accuracy of her friend who will throw the knives touching the skin of the Queen without ever injuring her.
This performance full of suspense will give to the spectators a unique experience.
Come Alive ... Stage 2
Stage 2.1
I have been thinking a lot about what Colourful Man says and I need to help him. Hopefully my experience and all my connection in this world will pay off.
Animals ... food? Who knows everything about animals? Only one answer and that's Sweet Mila. She knows everything about animal food.
I went to her and asked her about my problem with all the animals and she replied to me:
Warrior, you need help. You cannot do this by yourself. I can only help you with the type of food you need for the animals, cannot provide you with them or with the water supply problem, however I know people from this land and for the herbivore animals you need:
Go to Foglio the Herbologist, he can provide supplies for small and big herbivores. For small ones you need soft vegetation for example: Taiga moss Bunch of Fragrant Herbs
For big animals you will need hard vegetation, for example: Broken branch Tuuksk Wood
Good so far, Arnica but what about carnivores animals problems?
Not to worry warrior I got a solution for you:
Go to Vaslav the Ranger, he can provide you fresh supplies for small and big carnivores and he might need your help for hunt:
You will need for small carnivores: Kodrag meat Gelanf heart
This two kind of meat are easy to digest and will be perfect for small carnivores, and now for big carnivores you will need: Serpagon meat…ct_id=263833493 Polar bear meat .
These are hard and big creatures to hunt, I advice caution but if u succeed with Vaslav hunting them you will have plenty of meat for the
big carnivores.
-We are actually doing this! Can't believe I'm closer to find out all of the answers for my problems, Arnica you are a genius!
She looked at me and she said.
-Let's continue warrior.
For aquatic animals it will be more difficult. You will have to ask for help in the underwater world. Lord Akvarius knows everything
about the food I'm going to tell you. Speak with him and he will provide you with the food for small aquatic animals: Mermaid's Delight Seaweed Coral
And for the big ones you will need: Fresh fish Edible Crayfish
Also aquatic animals can eat other life forms in the oceans or some of them eat just plants. The list i have given you will be enough.
That's it warrior your problem with your food is solved. Do what I've said and you will help the Colourful Man with his animals.
I was happy with Arnica's answers and I've done what she has suggested, but I still have another problem, and that's
a water source. If Arnica knows everything about animals, I need to speak with somebody who knows everything about water... Hmm ... Yes
the answer came straight into my mind and it is Aguas the Water Mage. I've run to him and told him my story and he replied to me:
-For all your help in world of Faeo I will return the favour!
-That's my gift for you! Take this magic potion, it's made by me and it's endless. It's for the animals: . Water for animals to keep them hydrated
And for circus people I will give you this: Spring Water flask
-This water is perfect for the circus people after they will be finished their acrobatic acts.
Yes, this is it, I almost have everything I need. Next issue, I need supply for the people now. And I just know the guy who can help me. This guy helps people in the winter time with provisions. His name is Centurion Mekden and I can also speak with tavern lady renting the tavern only for the
circus people for their short staying and I think she can supply fresh beer for everybody, that will be perfect.
I know for sure I can provide these items for the circus people with Mekden and Voluptuous Mary help:…ct_id=834421696 Shiz Beer Lump of cheese Smoked Gammon Jar of Honey
Stage 2.1
After speaking with Centurion Mekden and Mary , they agreed to help me with my quest. Now the last thing I need to do .. is to find somebody
to replace a performer in the circus show. I can think of only one person that doesn't need anything. I just need her presence at the show.
Leolina the Fairy! That's it !! A fairy into the show will fit just perfect. She got a wand, she knows magic, long and otherworldly dress
made by magic. If I can persuade her, the Colourful Man will be happy about this. Went to her and she accepted to help me cuz she is a
very kind fairy.
Went back to the colourful man and gave him all the solutions about his problems. His reply was:
Thank you warrior! This is the second time you helped me. You have proven that you are an experienced person and kind. Hopefully I can return
the favour back one day.
I was very happy that I was able to help the colourful man... and his show continued...
I have been thinking a lot about what Colourful Man says and I need to help him. Hopefully my experience and all my connection in this world will pay off.
Animals ... food? Who knows everything about animals? Only one answer and that's Sweet Mila. She knows everything about animal food.
I went to her and asked her about my problem with all the animals and she replied to me:
Warrior, you need help. You cannot do this by yourself. I can only help you with the type of food you need for the animals, cannot provide you with them or with the water supply problem, however I know people from this land and for the herbivore animals you need:
Go to Foglio the Herbologist, he can provide supplies for small and big herbivores. For small ones you need soft vegetation for example: Taiga moss Bunch of Fragrant Herbs
For big animals you will need hard vegetation, for example: Broken branch Tuuksk Wood
Good so far, Arnica but what about carnivores animals problems?
Not to worry warrior I got a solution for you:
Go to Vaslav the Ranger, he can provide you fresh supplies for small and big carnivores and he might need your help for hunt:
You will need for small carnivores: Kodrag meat Gelanf heart
This two kind of meat are easy to digest and will be perfect for small carnivores, and now for big carnivores you will need: Serpagon meat…ct_id=263833493 Polar bear meat .
These are hard and big creatures to hunt, I advice caution but if u succeed with Vaslav hunting them you will have plenty of meat for the
big carnivores.
-We are actually doing this! Can't believe I'm closer to find out all of the answers for my problems, Arnica you are a genius!
She looked at me and she said.
-Let's continue warrior.
For aquatic animals it will be more difficult. You will have to ask for help in the underwater world. Lord Akvarius knows everything
about the food I'm going to tell you. Speak with him and he will provide you with the food for small aquatic animals: Mermaid's Delight Seaweed Coral
And for the big ones you will need: Fresh fish Edible Crayfish
Also aquatic animals can eat other life forms in the oceans or some of them eat just plants. The list i have given you will be enough.
That's it warrior your problem with your food is solved. Do what I've said and you will help the Colourful Man with his animals.
I was happy with Arnica's answers and I've done what she has suggested, but I still have another problem, and that's
a water source. If Arnica knows everything about animals, I need to speak with somebody who knows everything about water... Hmm ... Yes
the answer came straight into my mind and it is Aguas the Water Mage. I've run to him and told him my story and he replied to me:
-For all your help in world of Faeo I will return the favour!
-That's my gift for you! Take this magic potion, it's made by me and it's endless. It's for the animals: . Water for animals to keep them hydrated
And for circus people I will give you this: Spring Water flask
-This water is perfect for the circus people after they will be finished their acrobatic acts.
Yes, this is it, I almost have everything I need. Next issue, I need supply for the people now. And I just know the guy who can help me. This guy helps people in the winter time with provisions. His name is Centurion Mekden and I can also speak with tavern lady renting the tavern only for the
circus people for their short staying and I think she can supply fresh beer for everybody, that will be perfect.
I know for sure I can provide these items for the circus people with Mekden and Voluptuous Mary help:…ct_id=834421696 Shiz Beer Lump of cheese Smoked Gammon Jar of Honey
Stage 2.1
After speaking with Centurion Mekden and Mary , they agreed to help me with my quest. Now the last thing I need to do .. is to find somebody
to replace a performer in the circus show. I can think of only one person that doesn't need anything. I just need her presence at the show.
Leolina the Fairy! That's it !! A fairy into the show will fit just perfect. She got a wand, she knows magic, long and otherworldly dress
made by magic. If I can persuade her, the Colourful Man will be happy about this. Went to her and she accepted to help me cuz she is a
very kind fairy.
Went back to the colourful man and gave him all the solutions about his problems. His reply was:
Thank you warrior! This is the second time you helped me. You have proven that you are an experienced person and kind. Hopefully I can return
the favour back one day.
I was very happy that I was able to help the colourful man... and his show continued...
Stage 2.1
• something to replenish the drinking supplies
The artist animals, cause of happiness and amazement of the youngest and not so young, must be treated with the greatest respect and care by all the inhabitants of Faeo.
What better water than that obtained directly from springs deep in the earth?
At ICE GROTTO we can obtain the purest and most crystalline mineral water that beasts and humans will undoubtedly appreciate.
• food for the predators
The fierce predators of the circus need to be fed regularly, for this there are numerous animals that we can hunt and collect their best parts from them. (Only real animals are valid and not eldives, ghosts or others) that provide us with 1 to 3 units of food.
In addition, the super beings give an extra food yield of 20 to 40 food units.
• food for the aquatic animals
The high nutritional quality of the cave fish that our young warriors fish in our lava and aquatic rivers has been demonstrated, for this reason they are an ideal food for orca dolphins and other less known aquatic animals brought from distant continents.
• food for the herbivores
The mistletoe rich in vitamins and easy to digest is the herb that every herbivore wants to eat, our young herbalists will endeavor to collect the best mistletoe for horses, elephants and other artistic animals of our circus.
• There is also a special food that only young miners can collect from the stomachs and legs of zigreds.
This food capable of replacing the others and that every animal in the circus likes to devour HONEY. Equivalent to any of the other foods.
• food for the circus performers
In the gurraldi kors Givens tavern and its kitchens they are prepared to offer the circus artists their best food that they will be delighted to sell us in exchange for resources that coincidentally are the same that will feed our animals.
They must also be perfectly fed for the risky exercises and exceptional numbers that they have prepared for all the inhabitants of Faeo who collaborate in this important task.
Our most desired attraction has been injured in a comical accident. A wasp has stung him on his eyebrow and has produced such an exaggerated swelling that his eyes are now two billiard balls that prevent him from opening his eyes. A shame because his marksmanship with his knives was legendary in the continents of Faeo.
Luckily "MUSCLES" the strongest being in Faeo was enjoying a well deserved vacation at Snowy echo coast and Glacier ridge.
He is also eager to know the legendary strength of the inhabitants of OGRY and KAIR, so he challenges any inhabitant of these lands to make a show of his strength and be able to defeat him in a singular arm wave in a hand-to-hand pulse. hand with the promise of a valuable present to whoever is able to defeat him.
<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border='0' alt='RED-HULK'/></a>
• something to replenish the drinking supplies
The artist animals, cause of happiness and amazement of the youngest and not so young, must be treated with the greatest respect and care by all the inhabitants of Faeo.
What better water than that obtained directly from springs deep in the earth?
At ICE GROTTO we can obtain the purest and most crystalline mineral water that beasts and humans will undoubtedly appreciate.
• food for the predators
The fierce predators of the circus need to be fed regularly, for this there are numerous animals that we can hunt and collect their best parts from them. (Only real animals are valid and not eldives, ghosts or others) that provide us with 1 to 3 units of food.
In addition, the super beings give an extra food yield of 20 to 40 food units.
• food for the aquatic animals
The high nutritional quality of the cave fish that our young warriors fish in our lava and aquatic rivers has been demonstrated, for this reason they are an ideal food for orca dolphins and other less known aquatic animals brought from distant continents.
• food for the herbivores
The mistletoe rich in vitamins and easy to digest is the herb that every herbivore wants to eat, our young herbalists will endeavor to collect the best mistletoe for horses, elephants and other artistic animals of our circus.
• There is also a special food that only young miners can collect from the stomachs and legs of zigreds.
This food capable of replacing the others and that every animal in the circus likes to devour HONEY. Equivalent to any of the other foods.
• food for the circus performers
In the gurraldi kors Givens tavern and its kitchens they are prepared to offer the circus artists their best food that they will be delighted to sell us in exchange for resources that coincidentally are the same that will feed our animals.
They must also be perfectly fed for the risky exercises and exceptional numbers that they have prepared for all the inhabitants of Faeo who collaborate in this important task.
Our most desired attraction has been injured in a comical accident. A wasp has stung him on his eyebrow and has produced such an exaggerated swelling that his eyes are now two billiard balls that prevent him from opening his eyes. A shame because his marksmanship with his knives was legendary in the continents of Faeo.
Luckily "MUSCLES" the strongest being in Faeo was enjoying a well deserved vacation at Snowy echo coast and Glacier ridge.
He is also eager to know the legendary strength of the inhabitants of OGRY and KAIR, so he challenges any inhabitant of these lands to make a show of his strength and be able to defeat him in a singular arm wave in a hand-to-hand pulse. hand with the promise of a valuable present to whoever is able to defeat him.
<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border='0' alt='RED-HULK'/></a>

I was thinking of selecting one place to gather all the materials necessary (or at least all the locations close together). This means the place I have decided to get most of the items is the Ridge of Darkness.
- something to replenish the drinking supplies
At the Ridge of Darkness, all animals (large and small) will be able to drink from the river there. If the location of the circus was at County Vurdaliya (which was one of my choices) the Pub has drinks for the performers. Otherwise, they will also be able to drink the water at the Ridge of Darkness
- food for the predators
Food for both large and small predators can be the fish that can be collected in the river. There are many varieties of fish in the river, so none of them should have a problem. If, however, the large predators do not want fish, then if the circus is again at County Vurdaliya, there are Iguarons, and Dugrkhargs around that they can hunt.
- food for the aquatic animals
Aquatic animals (both small and large) should be happy with the fish in Ridge of Darkness. But if not, again there are Iguarons close by if the circus was at County Vurdaliya
- food for the herbivores
Herbivores were how I decided on the Ridge of Darkness to begin with. Most plants are poisonous and inedible (at least for Humans and Magmars), however, the Ridge of Darkness has plenty of plants that are not poisonous that both large and small herbivores can eat.
- food for the circus performers
Food for the performers can be retrieved from the pub at County Vurdaliya, especially if that is where the circus is being held. If not, they can always make a deal with Givens to transport food to where the circus is set up.
2.2: The character to take the injured performers place should be Norak the Virtuous. This is because of his noble and virtuous nature, I believe he will be motivated to help where he is needed. Because of his background of a Warrior, I believe he will best be fit as a strong man, able to lift and carry large weights, and perform amazing feats of strength. His nature, combined with his strong man act, will also show everyone how strong the side of good is. His outfit, as a strongman, is then very minimal, and therefore easy to prepare on short notice. His outfit will just be him bare-chested, so he can show off his muscles, and he is able to keep his helmet and regular pants if he wishes. His performance is just showing off his strength and body.
I was thinking of selecting one place to gather all the materials necessary (or at least all the locations close together). This means the place I have decided to get most of the items is the Ridge of Darkness.
- something to replenish the drinking supplies
At the Ridge of Darkness, all animals (large and small) will be able to drink from the river there. If the location of the circus was at County Vurdaliya (which was one of my choices) the Pub has drinks for the performers. Otherwise, they will also be able to drink the water at the Ridge of Darkness
- food for the predators
Food for both large and small predators can be the fish that can be collected in the river. There are many varieties of fish in the river, so none of them should have a problem. If, however, the large predators do not want fish, then if the circus is again at County Vurdaliya, there are Iguarons, and Dugrkhargs around that they can hunt.
- food for the aquatic animals
Aquatic animals (both small and large) should be happy with the fish in Ridge of Darkness. But if not, again there are Iguarons close by if the circus was at County Vurdaliya
- food for the herbivores
Herbivores were how I decided on the Ridge of Darkness to begin with. Most plants are poisonous and inedible (at least for Humans and Magmars), however, the Ridge of Darkness has plenty of plants that are not poisonous that both large and small herbivores can eat.
- food for the circus performers
Food for the performers can be retrieved from the pub at County Vurdaliya, especially if that is where the circus is being held. If not, they can always make a deal with Givens to transport food to where the circus is set up.
2.2: The character to take the injured performers place should be Norak the Virtuous. This is because of his noble and virtuous nature, I believe he will be motivated to help where he is needed. Because of his background of a Warrior, I believe he will best be fit as a strong man, able to lift and carry large weights, and perform amazing feats of strength. His nature, combined with his strong man act, will also show everyone how strong the side of good is. His outfit, as a strongman, is then very minimal, and therefore easy to prepare on short notice. His outfit will just be him bare-chested, so he can show off his muscles, and he is able to keep his helmet and regular pants if he wishes. His performance is just showing off his strength and body.
Stage 2.1
Water from Clan Burial Grounds can replenish water supplies for the animals with a fresh water river right beside the city. Performers can stop by the pub in Count Vurdaliya to get a quick drink served by the pub owner, Givens.
Predators can eat Dugrkharg Meat and Iguaron Skin, gathered from Manor of Budrimakh and either Brigantine Lafer or sailing on the Dark Khavr. Since predators love to chase and kill their prey, this should provide a lot of opportunities for them to enjoy hunting down their food when they're not busy performing.
Aquatic animals can eat fish gathered from Clan Burial Grounds along with their water, particularly Stone Carp and Edible Crayfish if they're lucky enough to get a tasty treat! Plenty of fishermen around the city would be happy to supply some as well.
Herbivores are a little trickier to find food for since all of the naturally occuring plants that herbologists can pick are poisonous, but Liciousberries are plentiful around this time of year! These berries are found all around Clan Burial Grounds but if the animals are looking for something else, the Dartrong Shop has some grapes for the animals to snack on if the ringmaster is willing to spend a little bit of money.
Circus performers are much luckier with a vast selection of delicious foods, some of which can be found in the Dartrong shop! Mouth-watering Kodrag Kebabs will fill up the performers' stomachs while Foreign Fruits will give them a refreshing snack during their break times.
Stage 2.2
Bonna Benita will have no problem filling in for the injured performer. Everyone in Khair knows her to be in charge of the nursery and this will give everyone the opportunity to see what kinds of abilities each of her creatures has to offer. The creatures will be dressed up in a range of costumes, from ruffles to hats to clown noses according to how comfortable each of them feels when demonstrating their abilities, while Benita will be dressed in a cute ringmaster costume, complete with top hat, matching bow tie, and a long black and red coat. Benita is surely against whipping her creatures so having a cane to direct them is more than enough to showcase their talents!
Water from Clan Burial Grounds can replenish water supplies for the animals with a fresh water river right beside the city. Performers can stop by the pub in Count Vurdaliya to get a quick drink served by the pub owner, Givens.
Predators can eat Dugrkharg Meat and Iguaron Skin, gathered from Manor of Budrimakh and either Brigantine Lafer or sailing on the Dark Khavr. Since predators love to chase and kill their prey, this should provide a lot of opportunities for them to enjoy hunting down their food when they're not busy performing.
Aquatic animals can eat fish gathered from Clan Burial Grounds along with their water, particularly Stone Carp and Edible Crayfish if they're lucky enough to get a tasty treat! Plenty of fishermen around the city would be happy to supply some as well.
Herbivores are a little trickier to find food for since all of the naturally occuring plants that herbologists can pick are poisonous, but Liciousberries are plentiful around this time of year! These berries are found all around Clan Burial Grounds but if the animals are looking for something else, the Dartrong Shop has some grapes for the animals to snack on if the ringmaster is willing to spend a little bit of money.
Circus performers are much luckier with a vast selection of delicious foods, some of which can be found in the Dartrong shop! Mouth-watering Kodrag Kebabs will fill up the performers' stomachs while Foreign Fruits will give them a refreshing snack during their break times.
Stage 2.2
Bonna Benita will have no problem filling in for the injured performer. Everyone in Khair knows her to be in charge of the nursery and this will give everyone the opportunity to see what kinds of abilities each of her creatures has to offer. The creatures will be dressed up in a range of costumes, from ruffles to hats to clown noses according to how comfortable each of them feels when demonstrating their abilities, while Benita will be dressed in a cute ringmaster costume, complete with top hat, matching bow tie, and a long black and red coat. Benita is surely against whipping her creatures so having a cane to direct them is more than enough to showcase their talents!
|-- Stage 2.1 --|
- something to replenish the drinking supplies
Animals should be provided with fresh, clean water, straight from the sea. Without good hydration, the animals will be less productive.
- food for the predators
Predators can eat butcher's meat or hunt animals such as dugrkharg or kretches, and if they do not want to chase them, they can hunt fish.
- food for the aquatic animals
Aquatic animals should get food themselves, such as fish or small crabs, and they are mostly found in lake.
I think that many people in Feo will want to see there beautiful specimens and additionally want to feed them.
- food for the herbivores
The canyon of Immortality is the best place for the herbivores because there are a lot of plants there and they will feel best among their own.
- food for the circus performers
Circus performers should have good juicy meet, which will strenghthen their physical strengh and efficiency,this meat will be prepared in the Inn at Gliwens. Punch is best for drinking.
|-- Stage 2.2 -- |
The character to take the injured performens place should be Maeli the Mermaid. Due to her mermaid appearance, Maeli can jump through flaming circles and various acrobatic tricks. As for her appearance, I would only tell her to put on some clothes.

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